On my first look at Rabbit Island, from the Makapuu Overview, at 0738, I found Buster (RV08) and Sadie (RB12) together, up in the Morning Glory, fronting the 3BS. They would later move down, and remained there all day.
When I got to Makai Pier at 0807 I found that Kekoa (RK72) was also there, tucked into the base of the Middle Cliff area. He had not been visible from the first location. He too would remain all day.

You are probably stressin', wondering why I didn't open with the usual Kaiwi Kuest update. Well, rest assured the day began at 0600 as usual, but through the dawn patrol, Z&P's shift and most of Caryns, there was nobody to be found. Marilyn had gotten two quick glimpses of a possible animal out in the surf off the 300 yd east location at 0610. It could have been Kaiwi, but it could have been the Loch Ness Monster too. Many a mile was trod and driven by Marilyn, Z&P, Caryn, Kinsey and myself, but it would be Kinsey who won the free turkey with a call at 1222 advising that Kaiwi (RK96) was just hauling out to her grassy patch, 300 yds east of the AD wall.

It would appear that Marilyn may well have seen her this morning (I was hopin' for Nessy). We got her cordoned off at 1230, but the ungrateful whelp had the gaul to reenter the water at 1417, whereupon Kinsey immediately lost her as she swam out, a more or less constant state of affairs of late. As it turned out she hadn't left at all. Thea found her in her nook, at the same location. She hauled out again to the previous spot at her grassy patch at 1515, and was still there when Jackie's shift ended at dark.

Dana called at 0713 to advise of 2 animals reported near Access #185C in Ewa Beach. Team Billand confirmed the Kermit (R4DG) and Irma (R010) IDs at 0859. Team Billand also found M&M (R020) at Maili Point at 1308.
Mrs. Whisperer did her usual Saturday Ka'ena Point trek, and found 761, Ka'ena (RO40, Noa (R6FI) at the end of the world at 1015, and BG (R303) at 1154.
Thank you Auntie Karen Turner for reporting in from Turtle Bay... you pretty much hit the jackpot, 3 out of four ain't too shabby! First up we have La'akea resting comfortably
right spot ....
And the waif sized R5AY ... man she better put on some weight soon
Out on Electric Beach we have the electrifying couple kermit and irma
M+M @ Maili Beach
sleeping with one eye open
Thumbs up from M+M
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