Whippersnappers say.... OMG !..... For old dudes a simple WOW !! does just fine. It's been a heck of a day guys... a heck of a day .
And some of us say.."HOLY CRAP"
I was out dark and early, as usual, and I along with the rest of today's Mission Impossible cast were batting zero again today. Just as yesterday, Kaiwi (RK96) was nowhere to be found.

On my 0843 check of Spitting Cave I found Duke (RA12) by himself, doing 6 minute dives.
The adventure continued and I found no other critters until....until my very most favorite Whole Foods posse person , Terry Pheobus called at 1110 to advise that she was looking at 3 seals.... "one with a transmitter", at Spitting Cave. I got my little, fat okolele over there as fast as possible and at 1110 arrived to find, Duke, Kolohe, and what would prove to be KAIWI, at Spitting Cave. Terry said they had all been interacting when she arrived, but I saw only the boyz playing near the big rock, and at 1122 saw a weaner with a transmitter, 200 ft away. That would be the one and only time I observed the animal, despite lots of looking at all the Portlock spots.

Duke and Kolohe remained there foraging the rest of the day. I called Dera to ask her to beg Charles for a map to confirm the Kaiwi ID, and then hit on the idea of contacting the Billands, to ask Reef Runway posse member Eileen if Kekoa was there. At 1410 I got confirmation that Kekoa (RK72) was snoozin' at the Reef Runway, so it became, to use the highly technical scientific term a "No Brainer" that the weaner at SC with the transmitter, HAD to be Kaiwi. I'm still hopin' for a map but Eileen's word is really all I need.
Speaking of Dr. Charles... WE would like to see some maps please.... oh wait WE WANT OUR MAPS :-) !

Terry got photos, but since she is apparently the only person in the world less competent than me , on a computer, we have to wait for her hubby to come home to download her photos.
At 0805 Team Billand checked in with the report of Kermit (R4DG) fronting @1707 , White Plains.
At 0830 the found Irma (R010) at Kalaeloa Campgrounds.
At 1640 Irma relocated to visit Kermit. There was a short water session, and then they hauled out. The last thing they needed was an idiot on a bodyboard hangin' out with them. It's a wonder Kermit didn't charge him.

At 0830 Dana checked in to advise that La'akea (RK82) was at Right Spot's spot at Turtle Bay.
At 1040 Dana called again to advise that Ua Malie (RT10) was seen to the right of the Keiki Pool, at Turtle Bay.
A special shout out to Karen Turner who leaves Oahu and heads back to the mainland. We will miss her and her huge contribution to looking after out monk seals..... Karen will be back next season... We look forward to your return and make sure you stay in touch... all the best to you!
Kolohe @ Spitting Cave
Ua Maile... with dot
WHOOO HOOOO!!!! Kaiwi hanging out with her cousins....
We joked about it ... and it happened... how cool is that!
Kermit on his way to check in on Irma @ White plains
Irma "I hope you feel better than you look
Now that's a look.... !
And here comes Kermit
Hey buddy back off
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We found Kermit and Irma, in separate bedrooms. Kermit at Plains, Irma at Kalaeloa. Both animals remained at their sites allllll day long.
We went to recheck on Irma, she was still in same position and ok. But as we left we saw a local man and his husky PITTBULL. But it was getting late and we continued on to Kermit. It was no more than 15 to 20 minutes with Kermit when we saw another seal coming. It was Irma at a high rate of speed, so maybe that pitbull played a part in her departure at Kalaeloa. She came in so fast, just as Kemrit was hauling up shore for the night. She made a sound, Kermit turned as if to say, "IRMA BABY WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU". Irma immediately flew up shore, passing the greenery, the tree. We were shocked how fast she haul up. And then this man dressed in a black suit, black and white cap followed Irma and Kermit, made like he was a seal himself, on the shore line with Kermit. Kermit saw the idiot, went.."HEY, WHO THE >>###!!! are you? THIS IS MY IRMA!!" Kermit kept tabs on the man, we were frantically moving signs and ropes to take care of Irma. We waved at the guy to BACK OFF!!! But the guy remained with Kermit just glaring at him. Kermit would have gone up with Irma as usual, but this dummy was right there. In the end, we got Irma coned off again, she turned and landed by the tree,not the parking lot, PHEW!!! Kermit remained close to shore, just lurking around, close to Irmas site at Plains. That idiot was lucky Kermit didnt take his face off for messing with the seals, especially his IRMA!!! All settled, idiot left quickly. Kermit stood guard of Irma, Irma went to sleep by the tree. Holy crap, what an ending to a nice day..sort of. We did our best to keep the critters safe..but times like this, you got to think fast, make decisions on what the hell to do. We both wanted to YELL and fly something at that MAN in the dark suit, posing as a seal. Did he think he was safe and cool??? Bah..You can bet we will find this idiot today...and tell him what he done was absolutely dangerous!!! He was so lucky it was Kermit the Gentlemen, and not THE BENNY, THE GOD FATHER OF ALL SEALS. Benny would have let this jerk get it!!! Ok..I have to calm down now.
Oh I want to say to DB, you done good in finding Kaiwi at Spitting caves...how cool is that!!! She is one busy little girl, growing up so fast. Maybe now that she has friends of her own, she will soon be at R.I. Yippeee!!! Ok got to find seals now!!!!!!! Bah! Snort! Bort!!!
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