Team Billand checked in at 0827 to report a 100% molted Irma (R010) at White Plains.

Dana called again at 1329 to advise that La'akea (RK82) was at McKenzie's , Turtle Bay.
Team Billand called at 1713 to advise that posse member Clay Gates reported an animal newly hauled out at Iroquois Point. Awaiting photos, but I gotta' cat on Rocky .
You gotta' red faced Whisperer here, with a gigantic Ooooops!! to fess' up to. I found the YouTube footage last night of what I said was Lona at Molokini. This morning as I was looking at da' blog (yeah... I read da' blog every morning too...I saw to me complete surprise that ,..OMG !..Lona has a penis !!!! Oooops !! I told Missus Whisperer that I'd screwed up, but I wasn't gonna' say anything more, thinking that nobody would notice. Nobody noticed until Tracy burned me with blog comment about the animal being a Molokai male , R307. I wouldn't have even looked but for a morning email from Kelly Girl, asking a question. Well DB given the 3 years I been keeping this blog I don't know I can remember a time when you screwed up.... A couple of things... Tracy did comment but there were a couple emails I received about the video ... so it would have come up eventually.... I guess in the end.... an "oopsie" happens to the best of us.
Rocky @ Iroquois
Beautiful shot Clay!! WOW!
I think the date on this blog should be 11-22-2011?
YOU ARE RIGHT....consider it fixed
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