As you will see, it was a verrrrry interesting day. Marilyn and I began the Kaiwi Kuest at 0600, her from AD, me from Sandy Beach, but alas.... nobody. Zeenat continued the hunt on the 7-10.

I got a call from posse members Martha & Ann at Hanauma Bay at 0841, reporting two animals swimming in the "keyhole" which is just inside the cable channel on the right side of HB. When I arrived at 0855 I found 2 red tagged males playing in the channel, and then moved just outside the reef. I was observing with my scope from on top. The whole incident was less than 2 minutes, and no solid ID was possible, but I can state that it was 2 male bellies, each with 2 red tags. One was larger with and old coat, and the other juvenile sized with a new coat. I could rule out Kolohe since I so no bleach. My guess is that it was Buster and Duke, but of course ?????

Posse member Terry, called at 0924 to advise that she was with a probable Kaiwi,at Crappy Cove , Sandy Beach. She had hauled out to the sand on the east side. I called Zeenat to join me and when I arrived at 0930 I found that it was in fact Kaiwi (RK96). Though she was spooked at one point by barking dogs, and moved toward the water a bit, she did not leave. Sabrina arrived for her 10-1, and she called at 1138 to advise that Kaiwi had departed of her own volition. Sabrina remained there initially, while I went to the Irma's rocks, 200 yds west of the wall. Sure enough at 1152 I found her swimming my way, and at 1205 she hauled out to her water front rocks perch, and hit the snooze button through Jackie's shift. Gayle and I shared the 4-7 and still she snoozed. When I called it a day after dark, she was snoozin' and blinkin'.

On my first look at Rabbit Island at 0750, I'd seen a partially visible young male belly up in the grass to the right of 3BS. No ID was possible. When I got back to Makai Pier for another look at 1223, the animal had moved down onto the beach and it was KEKOA (RK72)!!!!!!!!!!! No Charles help is required . Tracy advises that there are only 2 weaners with transmitters, and since I'd just left Kaiwi that made it a no brainer. Wow ! that was a pleasant surprise. I guess he must have listened to Ewa Girls stories about her hang outs, because he has been to Hanauma Bay, and now to Rabbit Island. But, that ain't all folks........ At 1256 who hauls out of Seal Rock Inlet but Buster (RV08). He galumphed over to say howdy, and it was a very low key, pleasant exchange. After just a couple of minutes Buster led the way to the water, with Kekoa immediately following. I followed them as they played for a couple of minutes, but then lost them. At 1323 Kekoa hauled out to 3BS, and at 1325 Buster hauled to left of 1BS.

The meeting is especially meaningful because though they may or may not know it, they are brothers, Buster being the oldest Oahu son (6yrs) of Ewa Girl, while Kekoa is the youngest.
Also at 1223 I became aware of a partially visible animal behind rocks at Rocky Right Beach. It was a young belly, but I couldn't get a sex, and it moved out of my line of sight almost immediately. At 1503 check from the Makapuu Overview revealed the animal was still there, but an ID was impossible. I'll put a cat on Nani, but ?????
The rest of the island was busy today also. Dana called at 1231 with the report of R5AY at the Keiki Pool, La'akea (RK82) nearer the condos, and Ua Malie (RT10) on the Kahuku side of the pool.

Dera checked in at 1300 to advise that Jeannie had found Right Spot at Rocky Point today, at 0900, and confirmed the N6 ID at 1300.
At 1404
Team Billand reported their only critter found today. It was M&M (R020) at Maili Point.
Dera called again atyd 1453 to report KC (RK28) at Laie.
Kaiwi @ Crappy Cove
Do you think maybe one of her cousins will come find her and take her to Rabbit Island?
Kaiwi @ Irma's her usual haulout
Determined to get up on those rocks
Dam crab... get away from me
M+M looking very healthy.....
Resting comfortably
KC and her polka dot scars - she's still pretty
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