We were on it at 0600, but no Kaiwi was found. A 0800 conversation with Dera, brought news that the latest map showed that Kaiwi remained in Maunalua Bay as 2000 last night. She was not seen today.
At 0714 I found Kolohe (RW22) on Rabbit Island. He would depart at 1047.
At 0951 DOCARE Officer, Ken Lesperance called with the report of N6 at KPB. When i arrived at 1013 I found Right Spot (R016) snoozin' on the water front rocks at the pier end of Kaupo Beach Park, and cordoned her off. She would depart of her own volition at 1438.

At 1533 we found Duke (RA12) and Kolohe (RW22) playing at SC. They would soon begin moving further into the bay. I relocated to the Kokee Flats (KK) at 1600. At 1603 both animals came swimming by, heading further into the bay.
Team Billand called at 0801 with the report of Irma (R010) at Oneula Pl, Ewa Beach.
At 0939 they found Kermit (R4DG), fronting #1760.

Marilyn did the Ka'ena Point trek today, and sent word of RO28 at the beach, 30 minutes in from the Mokuleia parking lot, and 761, Ka'ena and RB00 at the point. In case you've forgotten your family tree class, "Boo" is Rocky's 2007 daughter. She was seen on 8-20-11, again by Marilyn at KP.
Dana called at 1154 to report La'akea (RK82) at Right Spot's Spot, TB.
Some additional news... and let me say personally this is great news for so many reasons. Thank you DOCARE for taking care of an extremely dangerous situation... and THANK GOODNESS it was done before we lost one of our weaners....

Oooops ! I left out a vital paragraph in the daily. Makai Pier fisherman posse member Bryan brought a lay net to my attention, on the outside of the break water at Makai Pier. I called DOCARE at 1230, and at 1300 DOCARE Officer Ken Lesperance arrived and after much physical labor, managed to remove the net. It would prove to be a 450 ft net, well over the legal limit, and one section was a "double panel" which I'm told is also illegal. The net appeared to have been in water at least a couple of days, with lots of very long dead fish, and also a 3 ft shark, also dead. Gigantic Mahalos to Ken. You are my hero !!!
Right Spot - with a view
We're so use to having her at Turtle Bay, so nice to have a change of scenery
Officer Ken Lesperance - Today's Hero!
Irma @ Electric EWA Beach
Still shedding the old skin
Kermit at White Plains
Kermit go find Irma
La'akea @ Turtle Bay
Sweet dreams baby girl
Relieved that Bryan the fishermen spotted the net, DB made the call and OUR NEW HERO..Ken L. came to remove all of the net, all 450 feet. Holy smokes, that could have been bad news for all the pups out there. Or any of our beloved seals.
I was wondering, how come the Helicopter was flying so LOw? I believe all aircraft are supposed to fly 1,000 feet high, right?
I would like to thank Karen Banes for watching Kermit as we needed to fix another flat..this is our third flat...in two weeks. Thanks to all of Karens friends too, keeping an eye out for our seals.
Also, Rob and I want to wish all the volunteers a happy thanksgiving, and for giving much of their time to keeping our seals safe. God bless you all!!!
Barb I think that MIGHT have been one of the rescue choppers looking for the lost surfer.... I heard on the news and it sounded like the area where Ua Maile snoozes.
it looks like HFD doing a SAR
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