At 0947 from Makai Pier, I found Nani (RK60) hauling out 50 ft right of 3BS, on Rabbit Island. She would have the place all to herself until she was joined by Duke (RA12) at 1333.

My first look at Spitting Cave was a bust, however I revisited the place at 1124, and found that Kekoa (RK72) and Kolohe (RW22) were now there. There was only minimal interaction. This was a foraging thing. Most of the time they were widely separated, and even when close, it was still about foraging, with little interaction.

At 1340 Dera called with the report of an animal in one of the pools at Kaupo Beach Park. When I arrived at 1345, I found Lona (R017) in near shore waters with hordes of people lining the water front, and not allowing her the possibility of a haul out. It took super human effort to get the mob to back away. and finally at 1414 she hauled out, and I cordoned her off. She was still there when I picked up the rope at dark. Lona had last been seen in Hauula, by Diga, on 11-7-11.

Team Billand reported Kermit (R4DG) and Irma (R010) still leasing space fronting #1708 at White Plains. The Billands also found M&M (R020), at Maili Point, at 1340.
Dana called with word that Ua Malie was at Turtle Bay today. Karen Turner provided confirming photos. Kelly Evans found La'akea (RK82) at TB, and observed a piece of tako, and possible line on the right side of her mouth. The photos are inconclusive, but it certainly deserves a closer look. Kelly also confirmed the presence of R5AY at High Rock, after looking a photos from a hiker she encounted.
Ewa Girl at Hanauma Bay
Lona @ Kaupo Beach
And her fan base
She still managed to get some rest
Kekoa @ Spitting Cave
Nani and Duke @ Rabbit Island
La'akea @ Turtle Bay with Tako hanging out of her mouth
Maybe she got so tired playing and fighting with it, she couldn't swallow another bite?
Hopefully it isn't anything more than some leftovers
sweet baby
Big Sister Ua Maili snoozing
She looks great with her new coat
I know all of you hard working volunteers are worried about not finding..Kaiwi. But, these weaners do this, disappear, just like that. And, I want to say, hang in there, she may show up today, JUST LOOK GOOD. She's out there, snoozing her heart away, in some little space you all cant see.My prayers to you all..I understand how it feels..Just keep looking. The little lady is hiding and in your photos earlier, I can see how well she blends into the areas, Just keep trying guys...my heart aches with yours. It will be ok, it will be OK!!!!
Hope that "tako" hanging out of the weaner's mouth is just stuck in her teeth...not attached to an embedded hook!
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