A morning email from Dera provided overnight transmitter data. Kekoa (RK72) was still at the Reef Runway, but the highlight of the day was the fact that Kaiwi (RK96) was shown to be off shore of the Diamond Head area !

Team Billand reported that Irma (R010) and M&M (R020) had overnighted at White Plains.
At 0703 they reported Kermit (R4DG) at Wind Sock.
At 1343 they found Pohaku (RO28) at Tracks.
Team Billand called at 1700 to advise that posse member Clay Gates had reported Ewa Girl (RS00), at the Shooting Range in Ewa Beach. The bleaching team went out to the SW quadrant, but no animals would cooperate. All dressed up and no where to go.
KC RK28 and Buster RV08 - Wonder if KC will be heading back to the mokes and then MCBH
Kaiwi RK96 - Look out Auntie Colleen... I' might drop in
Kekoa RK72 staying close to home
White Plains Ladies Irma and M+M
Irma with new mark
M+M R020
Kermit 4DG @ Wind sock
Ewa Girl @ Ewa Beach !
NOW this is protection.... We always appreciate our men in uniform, Thank You.
HAAA Team ready to go... and no one home
RO28 @ Tracks