On my first look at Rabbit Island at 0712, I found Mojo (RI17) just hauling out, 40 ft left of 1BS, on Rabbit Island. He would remain all day.
At 0740 I found Kaiwi (RK96) doing 5 minute dives at Spitting Cave. At 0750 I became aware that RA36 was there also. They foraged , frolicked and played through my entire stay. Zeeny advised that Kaiwi departed around 1300, and that RA36 remained at SC.
When I got back to Makai Pier at 1111 I found that Mojo had now been joined by Nani (RK60), left of 1BS on RI. She too would remain the rest of the day.
At 1225 I relocated to the Makapuu Overview, and found that Kolohe (RW22) was snoozin' on the water front rocks on RI. He had been completely invisible to me from Makai Pier.
Team Billand checked in at 0715 with the report of M&M (R020) at #1708, White Plains.
At 1005 they reported Kermit (R012) at Paradise Cove.
At 1132 their next call was about Ewa Girl (RS00) at Wind Sock. She has definitely lost her transmitter, however remnant epoxy remains.
Dera called at 1139 to advise that Right Spot (R016) had been reported at Right Spot's Spot, at Turtle Bay.
She also advised that RK36 had been reported back on Kauai.
At 1158 the Billands reported RIP (RR70) newly hauled out between #1708 and Tower#2, at White Plains.
Barbara called at 1317 to advise that her sister, Cassie called with the report of an animal at Sand Island. At 1328 Cassie confirmed the Makaiwi (R4DF) ID, by tag.
At 1410 the Billands reported Pohaku (RO28) at Lagoon #2 at KoOlina.
Team Billand is stuck in traffic after the volunteer meeting, so please check da' blog in the morning for their shots.
Nani and Mojo
Kaiwi and RA36
Playful little girl!
very sweet !