At 0626 I found Irma (R010) at mid beach, Makapuu . Kimo and I cordoned her off. Cianna would call at 1020 to advise that Irma had moved to the far right end of the beach(where she should have been in the first place). I responded and redid the cordon around her at the new location. She has remained the rest of the day.
On my 2nd look at Rabbit Island I was greatly surprised to see my buddy Buster just hauling out behind Nani (RK60), fronting 1BS, on RI. I was beginning to wonder if the boy was ever going home again. Nani would move up and into the Morning Glory, while Buster remained at the beach front incline.
On a pan at 0847 I found Aukai (RL12) just hauling out fronting 3BS, where she remained.
At 0909 Kolohe (RW22) would haul out to join Buster. There was but minimal interaction before both went to snooze mode. While they were snoozin' , Nani snuck down and entered water. She would late haul out to Left Point Beach, and remained there the rest of the day.
On a pan at 1017 I saw Buster and Kolohe just entering the water together. When I got back to Makai Pier after my Makapuu call, I found that Buster, Kolohe and now Duke (RA12) were all together fronting Right Greenery, where they remained the rest of the day.
At 0912 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) foraging off shore of a spot at Nanakuli. She never haul out to their knowledge.
At 1047 the Billands reported Benny (RE74) at Maili Point.
Marilyn, Lesley, Terrie Williams and Clare make the Ka'ena Point trek today. I'm told the Z mob (Zeenie,Patrick & Teri) also made the trudge.
Marilyn called at 1002 to report R912 at one of her regular spots, approximately 30 minutes in on the trail from the Mokuleia side parking lot.
At the point at 1214 Marilyn reported Ka'ena (RO40)&Noa (R6FI) together near the point, and a molting Kerby (RW08) at "the runway". His D#1 molt is said to be 5%.
They also found weaner RL42, in a separate pool.
Dana checked in at 1534 with word of an animal being seen on the Kahuku side of Kahuku Point, and RL54 at "the elbow" , Turtle Bay. Awaiting photo confirmation.
Karen Bryan called from MCBH at 1632 to report KC (RK28), 100% molted at Pryamid Rock, MCBH.
Karen Rohter spent time with RL54 at Turtle Bay. She advised that Tony spotted Right Spot (R016) around Kahuku Pt.
Interesting shot... not the usual Rabbit Island and Seal... but must be the lighting but looks like lava flowing down Rabbit Island
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