Thursday, December 2, 2010

12/2/2010 DB Dailies

"Jack at the Bay" called at 0618, reporting Irma on the beach at the right end. She was close to the place she hauled out on her last HB visit on 11-15-10. I humped by big ol' butt down there with the stuff, and she departed 2 minutes after my arrival. Despite tons of driving and lots of walking on the Irma Quest, I did not see her again today. Tomorrow ????

On my 0904 Spitting Cave check I found Kolohe for the 4th consecutive day. He was doing 7 minute dives. At 0929 I suddenly became aware that there were now 2 animals there. The other one would prove to be Buster. Dive times were random once play became involved.

Team Billand checked in at 0837 to report Benny fronting #1707 at White Plains. His molt is proceeding rapidly.

The Billands reported Ewa Girl fronting #1705 at Nimitz Cottages at 0934. She would be joined by Kermit at 1207.

Good thing you courted all the wahine before - because you're not that handsome right now.
Irma Hanama Bay
Ewa Girl and Kermit
Ewa Girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Benny is one handsome bugga! Molting or not there is just something manly man about him:) Like a rugged cowboy!