The overriding rememberance of this Thanksgiving Day is the thought that I BEEN BENNIED !!! My day began with a call from posse person Mike at 0521, from Sandy Beach, stating that "both the animals are still here" . Tanx Eh , Mike !. When I arrived at 0543 I found Right Spot and Benny right where I'd left them last night, but Benny was alert and heading for the water, and as I put up the rope, he departed. Right Spot would remain there the rest of the day.
When I got back to Sandy Beach at 0622 I found that Irma had hauled out at the far east end of the beach. She would remain there all day.
On my first look at Rabbit Island I found M38 and Sadie just moving down out of the Morning Glory, 50 ft left of 1BS, and a 0720 I found Kolohe and Duke at the right end of the beach. Both would remain there all day.
At 0811 I got a call from Betty at Hanauma Bay reporting that one of the tourists had reported a swimming seal . When I arrived and looked from the overview, I found nobody. I half joking said that science wouldn't allow it but I knew it was Benny. The answer would be found when I got to Spitting Cave (ha,ha,ha).
I arrived at Spitting Cave at at 0835, and at 0837 here came Benny around the point swimming into Maunalua Bay. He was in travel mode, and there was ample time to see his facial scars. He was to the second point to my right and I assumed he was on his way to Diamond Head and points beyond, however, he turned and headed back toward the point. I lost him in the glare, but called to advise the Hanauma Bay people to be on the lookout, and after a half hour more at Spitting Cave, I returned to Hanauma Bay. Though I stayed there for an additional half hour I found nobody, and after a short stay at Blowhole to see if he might haul out again at Sandy Beach, I returned to Makai Pier.
On my second look at Rabbit Island I found that RIP and Mikala would join the cast. After a brief spat between RIP and M38 as Mikala hauled out , M38 would depart. I did not see him again today.
At 1056 I got a call from Tracy reporting that another animal, in addition to the two that were already there, had just hauled out. When I arrived at 1109 there was Benny , once again along side Right Spot. After some PR and cordon adjustment I returned to Makai Pier.
At 1209 I got a call from one of the posse members I've given cards to, reporting that "there was a small animal on the rocks at Sandy Beach, in front of "where the other one was" getting worked by the surf on the rocks. As we talked she said that everything seemed okay now and that the small animal was now in the water. When I asked which way the animal was traveling, she said it was headed in a Makapuu direction, right along the beach. I packed up at the pier and hurriedly made my way to Sandy Beach, knowing what I was going to find.
Sure enough, on arrival I found a crowd of people surrounding the cordon around Irma and Benny lying along side her. The people had all followed him as he moved down the beach. After lots of PR, and some cordon adjustment I returned to Makai Pier. On my 1500 check all Sandy Beach cast members were in snooze mode. I'll be returning shortly to reassess.
Team Billand called at 0632 to report a D#1 , molting Kermit at White Plains, and then again at 1124 to report 2AW at Tracks.
When I got to Irma's location at 1830, she was still here, however Benny was gone. Right Spot was also still at her location at 1845. I picked up the ropes and called it a day at 1900.