At 1139 a male hauled out to hang out with Aukai for the day. There were lots of shots, and some line of scars along he left side of the ventral . I slaved over shots and by 1500 or so became to believe that his may well be Duke (RA12). I haven’t seen him in a year, and mostly he is a Molokai guy, but his roots are an RI guy. I guessin’ here so I’ll definitely keeping a track on the guy hopefully for more.
I was lookin’ for Aka all day. At 1324 he finally hauled out to the far west end of the beach, and hauled up to move higher on the beach. Wonder when this weaner will get his bling.
At 0730 Team Billand reported Ka’ale (RH32) at Kahe Pt.

Auntie at PC called the Billands about an animal being aggressive to her opinion but the animal depart. They were thinkin’ RN14 over there.
Sure enough at 0850 RN14 hauled out to join Ka’ale at Kahe Pt for the day.
At 1138 Team Billand reported Lei Ola (RH48) at the 20MIN mark.
Aukai and Duke
Lei Ola
RN14 and Ka'ale
Reminds me of a mini Benny
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