At 0740 I was at Makai Pier but could see nobody visible until at 0945 Aka’s dome first appeared behind the rocks at the left end. He began his move up to be beach area and remained the day.

They had gotten a call about an animal at Paradise Cove, but had been run off on the arrival. It had been said that it was a small, green face animal. They returned to Kahe Pt again.
On arrival at 0937 they found that RN14 had joined Ka’ale at Kahe Pt.

At 0933 T&D discovered RI37 at Kuilima Hotel beach area. Thanks for another trek guys !!! Their shots indicate that RI37 is beginning to show molt, but no percentage.
Vicki Hangai also sent late entry to having see R5AY at Hauula. Thanks Vicki !
Right Spot
what came first the seal or the footsteps
Ka'ale & RN14
underwater tags
R5AY - Honey Girl
Molting Mama
molting daughter.... guess she's not having a pup this year
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