At 1110 what would prove to be Kekoa (RK72) did a quick haul out fronting Sadie&Pup, but a quick stink eye from Sadie got him right back the water. Kekoa would haul out again at 1119, hauling out 30 ft left of 3BS on the water front rocks for the rest of the day.
Team Billand and I had a great moment when popped up. “Wind Sock” ! Are there volunteers remember that name, old or new. The Billands found Pohaku (RO28) across from the end of the runway at the Coast Guard runway, Nimitz. Finding critters there have always been regulars but not in quite a while. (There used to be a Wind Sock there, for really a lonnnnnnng time ago). Its still Wind Sock to us. Thank you Pohaku !
Other Team Billands finds would be RIP (RR70)at Maili.
Tammy & Dave were back out to the End of the World again today. At 0904 they reported Holokai (RG40) at Hidden Beach on the way in. They also would find Holokai again later just beyond Ka’ena’s Pool at KP.
At 1136 T&D would report Kerby (RW08)at the Runway, and Ka’ena (RO40) at Ka’ena’s Pool. They also advised that some straggles of the fiber matting that holds the camera/transmitter on Kerby. Everything is still in place for now, but threaded.
They also found an U/U back at the parking lot when they got back well out in the water.
Sadie and PO1
Sadie, PO1 and Kekoa
Hi Barb!! Looking Good

RIP and a bee
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