At 0703 on my first look at Rabbit Island I found a partially visible animal at the far left end of RI, and only partially visible. When I got back to Makai Pier at 0759, I could see that it was Sadie (RB12), and seconds later a little black head appeared from behind her. PO2 had arrived !!! They would galumph down to the water line , where they remained all day, only moving up as required by the rising tide. The GOOD news
At 0922 Sadie’s 2013 son, Kainoa (RN04) hauled out to 1BS and began galumphing toward Mom Pup. It would take some time but he finally arrived in the vicinity, and Sadie let him know that he was not welcome. He would move off to the minimum distance to insure that the wrath of Sadie wouldn’t be visited upon him. He remained nearby all day.
On a pan at 0937 I found a newly arrived RG32 fronting 3BS. He would remain there the rest of the day.
Sat 0609 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) at Zablan Beach, Nanakuli. Per Melina, she would depart ate 1240. Mahalos to Warren, Melina&Deb.
Ocean Safety called at 0913 with the report of an animal at Chun’s Reef. Dana was notified. Awaiting further word.
The 0934 Team Billand reported Kekoa (RK72) alone at Maili Point.
In the wee hours I began getting info about an animal on Kauai being assaulted by somebody. Ultimately, I found the footage on the KITV website, showing the incident. 3rd had info says that the animal involved was a pregnant female , RK30. Hopefully, I’ve attached video footage from the KITV website, and a short video of RK30 at Salt Pond. The HORRIFIC news
Sadie, Pup amd Big brother Kainoa
Sadie and our newest edition... PO2
Right Spot at Sandys....
Pohaku hanging out in Nanakuli
1 comment:
Do you think anything will be done to that terrible man attacking our beloved seal on shore????? Why would any human do such a thing???? An innocent seal, resting, not bothering any one. TRAGIC. I wish there was justice for this seal and all the other seals, that were shot, beaten, caught in nets, bit by dogs....Unbelievable to watch that video over and over. What was that man thinking ?????
God bless that poor seal, K30 and all the hardships she went through. She bares such horrific scars. She is pregnant again...and hope she can have her pup safely.
TO DB, CONGRATS on your next pup to enjoy, observing it daily like so many in the past. What a blessing...and look, son Kainoa came to see too...Life of a monk seal is extraordinary...beautiful, amazing. I bet DB will be out there, bright an early to bring us all his magical stories of R.I. and its Hawaiian Monk Seals. Live long little one....BE SAFE. Welcome to this world.
Let there be justice for Hawaiian monk on their side for a change. PROTECT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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