As has been the case of late, Kea was gone when I arrived at Sandy Beach at 0620. Posse member Barbara V and I were there at 0746 when Kea (RN46) hauled out. He decided to haul out 30 ft west of his usual water front rocks hangout, staying on the sand until galumphing over to his rocks at 0820. Barbara got excellent Kea shots while I was running around establishing 3 different SPZs as Kea’s position changed. He would spend the rest of his day snoozin’ on his rocks. Kea remains at dark.
At 1039 I found Kolohe (RW22) on Rabbit Island. He was initially in the Morning Glory, 60 ft left of 1BS, but would enter the water at 1049 and haul out to Right Middle Cliff at 1111.
Both Melanie and Gayle were out and around the SE quadrant, but found nobody.
At 1323 I pulled into the Blowhole Lookout parking lot, and upon exiting my car, heard excited cries of “seal...seal... seal” coming from people looking over the railing above Eternity Beach. By the time I got there the animal was gone, but witnesses I spoke with said it was a seal in the water just off shore down in the cove. As is always the case the masses where at the water line and no haul out was possible. I heard a snorkeler in the channel yell to his wife that the seal had gone out the channel and turned toward the west. Despite that bit of news I decided to do my usual 10 minute check of Blowhole , but nobody popped up. I decided to then go to Lanai Lookout and see who might show up. Just as though I had the vaguest clue what I was doing, a 1346 Buster (RV08) swam into he channel at Buster Flats, and spent several minutes trying to find a haul out spot.
It was an arduous undertaking by the boy finally started the climb at 1352, and was up on the flats at 1358. Though I’ve seen animal there many, many times this marks the first time I’d actually seen an animal arrive and haul out.
At 0832 Team Billand reported Benny (RE74) at Nimitz Cove, on the sand. At 1400 he would move to Kermit’s Reef.
At 1436 they found Pohaku (RO28) fronting the recycling operation at Campbell Industrial Park.
Buster hauling out onto Buster Flats....
doesn't look very easy....
and there ya have it Buster hauled out at Buster Flats
Kea hauling out at Sandys
and apparently has something to say
haaaa looks like he got a surprise splash
such a sweetie thank you Barbara V for sharing
Benny at Nimitz
oh Benny you really need to molt away that green
Miss Pohaku at Campbells
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