At 0820 I found Kolohe (RW22) snoozin’ in the Morning Glory, 60 ft left of 1BS on Rabbit Island.
At 0910 he would move down to the far left end water line, and depart.
Team Billand called at 0703 with the report of Benny (RE74) fronting #1708, White Plains. He would depart at 0911.
DOFAW posse member Amarissa Marie called at 1025 to ask for an ID on the large animal with the white bleach mark on her right side, at Moku Nui. The description made it a DUH ? Right Spot was once again at Moku Nui today. chances are she's been there for a few days based on continuous comments from customers... just unfortunately there wasn't any documented proof.
Also on that call they advised that Dana had called them about an animal at “Barber’s Point”. The photo associated with the call clearly shows Haupu (RB24). The Billands couldn’t locate her. The problem always has been that “Barber’s Point” can mean anything from White Plains to Campbell Industrial park these days. The Billands called at 1505. “Barber’s Pt., turn out to be Haupu (RB24) at Kermit’s Reef, Nimitz Cove.
A call from Vera Cober at 1649 brought news that she had seen RW02 at Camp Erdman today.
Marilyn got a text from Ken Tingman advising that he had seen Luana (RN58) at Hidden Beach at 1600.
Buster and Kolohe
cuddle a rock today?
Ba ba Benny and the Jets.... geesh Benny you looking mighty green
Haupu at Kermit's Reef
Pohaky looking like she was awakened from her nap
RW02 (thanks Vera!)
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