At 0750 on my 1st look at Rabbit Island I found what would prove to be Buster (RV08) on the rocks at Rocky Right Beach. He would move out of my line of sight at 1400.
Marilyn and Lesley did the Kaena Point trek as usual. Marilyn called at 0959 to report finding a 99% molted Luana (RN58) at Hidden Beach, and Ka’ena (RO40),RIP (RR70) and what Dana characterized as OP1, “Oahu Pig 1” at Ka’ena Point. Apparently the pig had first been seen yesterday. No clue on how... when or why it arrived at this location. DLNR is aware.
At 1028 Ocean Safety called with the report of an animal at Nanakuli. Dana called at 1225 to confirm the Pohaku (RO28) ID.
At 1200 Melanie Chun called with the report of Rocky (RH58) at Diamond Head. Thank You Melanie !!!
At 1254 lifeguards reported the arrival of an animal at White Plains. Awaiting further word. At 1519 Team Billand........Yes !! They are back !! reported Benny (RE74) at Maili Point.
Dana called at 1649 to advise that Benny had checked out Pohaku and then returned to the water. Pohaku would depart would join him at 1649.
** upon leaving the store tonight i was informed by one of my employees he saw a large seal on Moku Nui today.... I will hopefully get some pictures tomorrow....
Kea looking spiffy in his new coat... you can clearly see his beautiful natural bleach marks
helllooooooo anyone down there?
Harumph on my own
Kainoa and Kolohe
Luana at Hidden Beach
pig on the rocks
hmmm not sure how or why a wild pig ended up on the rocks at Ka'ena point.... I have to imagine when Marilyn and Lesley were approaching this scene they initially thought it might be a seal... and with increasing concern something awful happened.... just glad it isn't one of the monk seals, but still so so bizarre to happen upon this.
Rocky at Diamond Head
Benny at maili point
oh benny you need a new suit
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