On my 0600 Sandy Beach check Kea was gone. I picked up the stuff and continued on.
It would be 1105 before I could physically see Rabbit Island. During my brief look I found RK36, 110 ft left of 1BS, and an U/U only partially visible , in the Morning Glory, 60 ft left of 1BS.
Gayle called at 1125 to advise that she had found Kaiwi (RK96) at China Walls. Thank you Gayle !!
Speaking of Umpteenth checks... At 1515 we reached the D#42 mark with Kea (RN46) at Sandy Beach. When I found him foraging earlier, I thought it a possibility so I’d been checking SB. I cordoned him off. Kea remains at dark.
Team Billand checked in at 0700 to advise that they had nobody at White Plains, however members of their surfer posse advised them that a green animal had patrolled the coast earlier, doing partial haul outs up and down the beach. My dollar is on Buster but ?????
Ocean Safety called at 0930 with the report of an animal in Nanakuli. The Billands confirmed Pohaku (RO28) at 1107.
At 0937 Team Billand reported Haupu (RB24) fronting the Surf Shack, at White Plains.
The Billands are still having computer problems. Check the blog in the morning for their day.
Kaiwi at china walls
Kea diving
Kea landed at Sandys
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