My day was pretty much dominated by Kea, or the lack thereof. He was gone on my 0600 check. After a check of the rest of the quadrant I return to my park bench, with Barbara V., at Sandy Beach from 0745 or so , until 1130. Though there was no Kea I did managed to score a Glass Ball !!!! The first one since 15 years ago. On my 1400 check he still was not there, however at 1427 there was Kea (RN46) snoozin ‘ on the outfall. I cordoned him off. Kimo Smith called at 1643 to advise that Buster had now joined Kea and both were “out of bounds” to the east. When I arrived at 1652 I found that to be the case. An emergency restructuring of the SPZ was required. They both remained at dark. Much Mahalos to Kimo & Gayle !
My Rabbit Island observation time was somewhat limited but owing to the location at the far left end of the island of the cast of 4 critters, getting an ID was difficult at best. I could ID 2 of the 4. They were RK36, and Duke (RA12). The 2 addition animals were both partially visible, and were a new coated U/U, and and old coated U/U.
Team Billand called at 0750 with the report of Makaiwi (R4DF) at White Plains.
At 1257 Dana called to advise that Karen Turner, on her last day in Hawaii before going to some place called Floor Rida ? She found RI37, and Kaikaina (RL54) at Turtle Bay.
An initial call from Dana at 1257 advised that Don and Carola were at Ka’ena point. Once the photos were looked at after their visit the two animals were reported to be RIP (RR70), with no entanglement, and another molting animal said to be a possible Benny. Awaiting photos. Thanks guys, the RIP news is grrrreat !!
Team Billand called at 1423 reporting that the same two animals they’d seen at Makua Cliffs yesterday, were there again today. Once again they confirmed the RL42 ID, and yesterday’s U/U has proven to be RW02.
At 1521 they found Pohaku (RO28) at Electric Beach.
Barbara called to advise that they were having “technical difficulties” getting their photos download. Check the blog in the morning for their day..... I hope.
At 1613 Dana called with a report of “N7" a Hauula. Photo confirmation from Vicki Leach confirmed the R5AY ID. Thank you Vicki.
Uncle Buster hanging out with Kea
Buster camouflage sandy at sandys
DB hits the jack pot.... finds a big glass ball and it's still wrapped too!
Kea thinking he can read....
hmmm white tipped flipper... who could it be?
R5AY - good to see ya Momma!
Kaikaina at Turtle Bay
I hope she stays healthy and if she does birth she has a healthy pup
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