Before leaving the house we had received a call from friends reporting a big seal hauled out at Rocky Point / Sunset. I informed V/C Dana. As I had some time to spear I stopped by and found beautiful R016 “Right Spot” hauled out near the waterline with signs around here – Jeannie Martinson had already gone by ;)
Mahalo Kathy the kids loved it!
On our lunch break Kathy & I met with Diane Gabriel and Karen Turner for lunch at TBR. We had a good time sharing our volunteer experiences.
I drove back to Hau’ula for the afternoon presentation.
The coast line from Ka’ena to Kualoa (and past it) is FULL of sea and river debris from the weekend rains that made monitoring more challenging. Wood and rock seals were everywhere !! Aloha, Lesley
Right Spot
And there's Dotty the woman behind "North Shote Ocean Education Coalition" I have so much respect for this woman... she took what was a brain-storming session and made it a reality. I only wish I had more time to dedicate to the continued growth.... I'll be back someday!
"Da BlogLady"
Your constant support is very appreciated and It would be a pleasure to have you back working with us on the NSOEC ;)
Well thank you Ms Lesley! It's very frustrating not to be out there... but for now I gots to do what I gots to do....
So many exciting things happening....
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