At 1042 I suddenly found Sadie (RB12) moving into my line of sight from further back on the beach. I had been totally unaware of her. She moved to near the water line at the far left end of the beach where she remained the rest of the day.
At 1234 Pua (RF34) hauled out near Sadie at the left end of RI.
Team Billand called at 0856 with the report of a Dana call about an animal at the Makaha Surfside Condos. They advised that Debbie was responding. Debbie confirmed the Nihoa (R912) ID, and the Billands later 2nd the motion.
At 1500 Team Billand reported RL42 at Makua Cliffs
Glen Langley has provided a batch of shots from yesterday, showing us Pohaku’s Boy, RF28 , as well as KC (RK28)& PK5 on Kauai.
Aukai and Kainoa
Kaiwi at China Wall
Nihoa R012
enjoying her day at Makaha
RL42 at Makua Cliffs
sweet little one!
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