At 1107 my Sandy Beach life guard posse called to advise that an animal was swimming the shallows at the east end of SB. When I arrived at 1118 I found Buster (RV08) just beginning to haul out. I cordoned him off, and he remains. Gayle advised that Buster departed at 1851.
At 0646 Team Billand reported Kolohe (RW22) at Maili Point. He departed at 1245
At 0741 they found Haupu (RB24) at Nimitz Jetty. Too many people . Diane T reported her departure at 1225.
At 0940 the Billands reported Makaiwi (R4DF) at Makaha. Thank you to Debbie for dealing with the usual impossible situation, and to Trish for the early morning visitor shot. She would depart at 1350.
buster shake and bake
Buster and Kea at Blow Hole
One year old Kea
Haupu at nimitz jetty
showing off her belly
Kolohe at Maili
Maka'iwi at Makaha
hmmm an entire beach... let me pull up my surfboard next to the seal
no words...
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