At 0817 Colleen called to advise that T21M was not at his lighthouse spot at Diamond Head. Despite further DH checks he was not seen.
At 0900 Cianna called with the report of 2 U/U at Paradise Cove. At 1032 the Billands confirmed Pohaku (RO28) & Kolohe (RW22).
At 0953 Team Billand found Haupu (RB24) fronting Tower#2, at White Plains.
The Billands reported Nihoa (R912) at the Makaha Princess condos at 1218.
Cianna called at 1544 with the report of an animal at Malaekahana. Cianna forwarded shots from Aislyn Matias confirming the R5AY ID.
Kaiwi at toilet bowl
seems to be a regular hangout for her... i guess it's better than lanai lookout
5AY Honey girl at Malaekahana
Rocky at Diamond Head her old stomping grounds
Haupu at White Plains
art - seal seal - art
very cool
R912 Nihoa at Makaha
Pohaku and Kolohe at Paradise Cove
this seriously scares me... people have no idea how these animals may react while in the water... especially when we have young male tailing a female.
and the love story continues
mini billand in training. I think she's got it down
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