At 0735 I found Kainoa (RN04) at Right Middle Cliff. He moved down mid day to cool off and remained all day.
I have an "Oooops" to fess’ up to. Yesterday’s Buster, turned out to be Mojo instead. Today was the same animal at the same location and the markers were the same, but today that little natural bleach on his head was clearly visible. Guaranteed Mojo (RI17). Buster is still MIA.
At 1232 Marilyn found Kea (RN46) at Toilet Bowl. I wanted to go but the knee said no, so Thank you Missus W for making the trek.
At 0906 Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) at Wind Sock.
Also at 0906 the reported Haupu (RB24) at Tower #2. Thank you LG Dennis for being on it !!
At 1424 Colleen Heyer called to advise that she had Rocky (RH58) at Leahi Beach Park aka Wedding Beach) on the Waikiki side of Diamond Head.
Barbara is out celebrating 65 so check the blog in the morning for their day.
Mojo mistaken for Buster... hmmm me thinks the whisperer was enjoying some monk seal ale.
Kea little munchin
this kid got green really really fast
Rocky at Diamond Head
La'akea tag... but where's her pretty face
still sporting her weaner weight
ba-ba-ba- benny!
benny and the jets (thank you sir elton)
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