A side note to RI life. Yesterday was landing day at RI. A Gazillion Sooty Terns and a few thousand Brown Noddys began landing. This morning the place was covered in birds. It will be difficult for a Monk Seal to get a decent day’s sleep until July, but I know they’ll try.

To support that sighting, on my 1242 Toilet Bowl check I found Kea (RN46) on the east side ledge . I rest my case.
At 0644 Team Billands advised that Linda had called with the report of an animal at Secrets. The Billands confirmed the Pohaku (RO28) ID at 0656.

At 1252 posse member Rachel called with the report of Kermit (R012) at the showers, Diamond Head. Thank you Rachel and Colleen.
At 1402 Team Billand reported Kolohe (RW22), Kerby (RW08) & Benny (RE74) at Maili Point. Kolohe would depart at 1420 (Benny wanted his spot).
At 1512 the Billands reported M&M (R020) at the White Plains showers.
Kea at toilet bowl... too bad he didn't catch up with big sister
Kermit at Diamond head
Kolohe at MAili
Kolohe and Kerby
The new generation of available bachelors
Kolohe and Benny
I love this picture!!!
Pohaku at Secrets
that's a great pose!
MM at white plains
Haupu at white plains
Any word on Maka'iwi or Irma?
Makaiwi WAS on Maui, then last I heard she left and went back to Kona.
Nothing heard on .... Miss Irma. Prayers, we all keep hoping, keep looking for her. A day doesnt go by, I dont think of her. Hopefully she is on Niihau some where...getting fat. Miss you Miss Irma.
I wonder, is Kermit leaving us to go find her? They were an item, a cool couple for years at Plains and Kaupo, etc. I hope he finds her!!!!
And Kermit, do you know we been looking for you for days...how come you didnt call home???? Find Irma FAT BOY...FIND MISS IRMA.
Sharing some of the HOTLINE calls received yesterday- Friday 14th:
- by caller Dan reporting N4 R012 "Kermit" just hauling out @ Diamond Head. I IDed R012 "Kermit", Colleen was informed and later re-confirmed his ID.
- by caller Joalina, with the good news report of R5AY "Honey Girl" hauled out in Kahuku. She's looking good and very green.
- by caller Gordy, he saw "LEN" foraging @ Kewalo. I IDed RN36 "U'ilani" by the bleach N37 (read the bleach N37 upside down you got LEN)
Please report all seal sightings in Oahu to the Hawaiian Monk Seal Sighting Hotline: (808) 220-7802
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