He was not alone. Also in the group at Left Greenery on Rabbit Island, were RM38, and RK36. M38 and RK36 had brief words at 1015, and all 3 would enter the water at 1018. RIP and M38 would haul out again to their starting positions at 1021 & 1029. I would find RK36 on a pan just hauling out the Rocky Right Beach at 1038.
Also at 0725 I found what would prove to be Aukai (RL12) just moving behind the greenery at Seal Rock Inlet. Though I only had a partial view of her all day, I did manage to see the part that had the smudged area that I know to be her N12 bleach.
On a pan at 1103 I found Kainoa (RN04) just moving to the Morning Glory fronting 3BS.
Colleen Heyer called at 0825 with the report of Haupu (RB24) at the Black Point end of Diamond Head. This is her first reported adventure away from the west side.
At 1110 the Billands advised they had gotten a Dana call about2 animals at Paradise Cove. At 1135 they confirmed them as Pohaku (RO28) & Kolohe (RW22). They would depart at 1221. The Billands would follow them and reported seeing them together , doing 6 minute dives near the Ihilani.
At 1236 Team Billand reported Kerby (RW08) at Maili Point.
Kimo Smith did the KP trek and reported BG at the 10 minute mark, RW30,RW02 & Ka'ena at the point, and Luana at Mokuleia.
Cianna called at 1423 with word of an R018 sighting last night, at 1906, at Makaha. Confirming photos received.
RIP, RM38 and RK36
Haupu Wow wonder where she'll go next
Benny at Paradise Cove
he's on the move
nice shot from the back side
Kerby at Maili
Kolohe and Pohaku... Geesh spring must be in the air
beautiful faces!
Little Meli snoozing the day away
la'akea hiding behind the sign
can you see me?
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