At 0835 I found Kea (RN46) at Spitting Cave. His dive times were erratic and he seemed to be in travel mode. I only got two ups before he disappeared, probably moving further into the bay. I did not see him again today.
At 1218 posse member Linda called to advise that she had an animal at the Kokee Flats. When I arrived at 1250 I found Rocky (RH58) snoozin’ on the rocks. She departed at 1410 with the rising tide.
At 0846 Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) at Wind Sock.
The Billands called at 0909 to advise that one of their posse members, Richard, had reported M&M’s arrival to the showers at White Plains. He set up the SPZ.
At 1052 the Billands reported Haupu (RB24) at Kermit’s Reef.
At 1209 they reported Haupu’s relocating to Wind Sock.
At 1107 the Billands advised that Eileen had called with the report of a small U/U at the birth beach, Reef Runway. She could not tell if I was Kekoa o U’ilani.
Ocean Safety called at 1029 with a report of an U/U in Nanakuli. The Billands confirmed the R018 ID at 1132.
Volunteer Trudy Weaver provided Meli shots from Turtle Bay today.
Afternoon email from Tracy brought confirmation that Makaiwi (R4DF) was in Kona on the Big Island.
Evening email from Dana brought word of Pohaku (RO28) at KoOlina, and Lona (R017) at Chun’s Reef today.
Late email from Kimo Smith brought new from the end of the world. He found Ka’ena, RK36 & RL42 at Ka’ena Point, and Luana at the birth beach, Mokuleia.
Kea at spitting cave
Kermit at windsock
MM at white plains
R018 at nanakuli
poor guy has a bunch of scars
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