At 0600 we found Irma & Pup (D#13) snoozin’ in the Morning Glory, 20 ft from the upper fence line, mid SPZ. At 0627 they began their move down and by 0640 both were in the usual tide pool. It was apparent right off the bat that this kid was now too big and too strong to be stuck in this tide pool, and on two occasions he was called back from channels into the tide pool by Irma. At 0818 enthusiasm and a rising tide took the kid over the edge of the tide pool, and when he couldn’t return to Irma’s vocalizations she followed. At 0818 they hauled out to the west end fence line, 30 ft west of the tide pool. They would remain there the rest of the day doing 2 feeds with snoozes in between. We erected a temporary fence line immediately, and followed with a new west end perimeter fence line .They would do 2 feed sessions at that location, with snoozes in between. According to the log there were two addition feeds in the afternoon, but mostly it was snooze time.
At 1028 Ocean Safety called with the report of an animal just hauling out to Sandy Beach. When I arrived at 1055 I found Buster at the east end of Sandy Beach. I cordoned him off and he has remained the rest of the day. Buster was gone At 1724. Thank you Gayle.
At 1150 Gayle called with the report of Kaiwi (RK96) at Buster Flats. Lanai Lookout.
At 0607 Team Billand reported RIP (RR70)& Pohaku (RO28) together at Guard Rails Beach, Maili.
At 1449 the Billands reported Benny (RE74) alone at Wind Sock. Benny departed at 1700.
Lesley did the Turtle Bay trek today and for the first time in a while, found La'akea (RK82).
Look! Irma has a lei on! (and it isn't photoshop)
sweet little boy
hey mom catch me if you can!
La'akea Good to see you girl!
Benny on the move... great shot and I honestly think Irma's kid is his!
Rip and Pohaku...
These two make are inseparable!
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