At 0600 we found Irma & Kea (R010)(D#26) right where we’d left them last night. They would enter the water at 0657 and swim to the east, hauling out for a feed at 0800, very near the poles that I’d just put in as part of the rebuild of the post Flossie episode. They would enter the water again and once again swim toward the east, and once again hauling out beyond the east end line. We moved it again. Our hardy crew worked on the new SPZ all morning, finishing the project at noon. Thanks guys....Ya’ Done Good !!! The log showed 4 more feeds through the day, and no swim sessions.
I got to Makai Pier at 1400 and found Kainoa (RN04) at Rocky Right Beach, on Rabbit Island. 20 ft to the left of him was an U/F, with 2 red tags , that I was unable to ID. I also found a large U/U 50 ft left of Seal Rock Inlet. Once again I was unable to get an ID, except to say that it was a large animal with and older greenish coat and 2 red tags, Since I spent the day gazing at the butt end , and never saw a belly, I have no clue.
Team Billand called at 0801 with the report of Rabbit Island boy, Kolohe (RW22) once again at Maili, lookin’ for chicks. No luck !
At 1400 the Billands reported Benny (RE74) at Paradise Cove, along side his turtle buddy Lucky.
Email from Dera brought word that 2 U/Us were in the Magic Island trough at 1900.
I'll just say it here... I am sad to say this Tuesday there wasn't any seals at Reef Runway. I hope U'ilani and Kekoa are hanging out together somewhere.
Kea filling out quite nicely
This kid got white tips on all four flippers! LOL
Kolohe cruising.... hmmm maybe blowing bubbles will make me attractive
I'm kind of new at this cruising business.... wonder if I'll have any luck here
Maybe if I position myself very tall and stoic
I know the secret blend in with the scenery.... I will surely appeal to a female this way
WHAT am I doing wrong?????
Benny and friends.... always love seeing seals and turtles together....
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