Despite that Kimo and I found Irma (R010) once again at the far right end of Makapuu Beach, at 0603. She was cordoned off, but the ungrateful wench departed, of her own volition at 0700.
At 0754 I found Kolohe (RW22) snoozin' at Seal Rock Inlet on Rabbit Island.
At 1113 I would find Aukai (RL12) at Rocky Right Beach. Unfortunately, she was only visible from the Makapuu Overview.
At 1244, the "Napela B". a cabin cruiser, arrived off shore of Rabbit Island, and after anchoring the occupants, 4 adults, 2 kids , all snorkeled to shore arriving in front of the 1st (NEW) blue "Prohibited Entry...Keep Off Island" sign and proceeded to spend the next hour exploring the left end of the island, not the least bit affected by the new signs. Thankfully, they were unaware of the two animal at the right end. DOCARE was called , of course, but as is sooooo often the case , there was no response. So much for the new and improved signage.
At 1309 she would be joined by Kermit (R012), but he would later move to #1706, but return to M&M again at 1335. He would finally depart at 1345. WP sounded like the usual nightmare. Thanks to Amy, Robin & Glen for enduring the experience.
At 1125 Dana called to advise that RI37 had been reported at Shark's Cove. ID had been made by a tourist, via her hind flipper tag.
Dana would call again at 1237 to advise that Karen Turner had found La'akea (RK82) at the elbow, Turtle Bay.
At 1500 Dana advised of an animal at Makaha Beach. Debbie responded, and the Billands confirmed the Benny (RE74) ID at 1614.
Irma heading out
I could say alot ... but probably best I don't. People are sooo selfish
Hmm wonder since there is a boat involved if DOCARE can still site these people
T2 - white plains, MM playing life guard
taking a little peek
Kermit white plains... GREAT shot!
MM and Kermit having words and hopefully future HMS volunteers
MM to Kermit - why do you keep bothering me?
Go back to Irma and leave me alone.
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