Come hell or high water the blog will go on! But no time to comment, however there are some great shots from Ka'ena Point!
On my umpteenth pass through the quadrant at 0823 I spied Irma (R010) newly arrived on the beach at Makapuu. I hurried down and got her cordoned off just a little to late, as the main attraction in a wedding photo shoot, but I got the area cleared and cordoned her off. She has remained there the rest of the day. Irma departed at 1810.
The Buster (RV08) call came a 1002. When I arrived I found Buster snoozin' at his usual spot at the east end of Sandy Beach. He would depart at 1819.
At 1204 Nani (RK60) hauled out to the left end of the beach on RI. She would depart again at 1212. She may well have joined the play session, but I cannot confirm that.
Dera called at 0902 with the report of an animal in Punaluu. Dana would call at 1133 to advise that Tatiana had confirmed the T21M ID.
Also at 0902 Dera advised of an animal at Turtle Bay. Dana would call at 0943 to confirm that Tony had confirmed the Right Spot (R016) ID, near the hotel.
At 1029 Dana would advise that Tony had confirmed the RL54 ID on the animal he found at McKenzie's , TB.
Marilyn called at 1129 from the end of the world to advise that today's Ka'ena Point cast was Ka'ena (R040), Kerby (RW08), 95% molted, Noa (R6FI), all in the same pool, and R912 ten yds away. They later located RL42 at a separate pool.
1 comment:
Photos were awesome...thanks for doing that trek often, to Kaena Pt.
The animals were so sweet, laying in the water together.
Did they know of the incoming tidal wave....were they hanging out in peace..together, not minding being so close to each other?
For my family and I, we have had trillions of evacutaions living out here on the west side since I was 12.
But last night, we just did our regular routine for an each other, say the plan to leave at what time, where to meet and wait out some where for hours in safety.
Leave the dog, my beloved dog Bruce Lee, who we love dearly...BEHIND to fend for himself. NO, THIS IS NEVER EASY. He knew something was up, with all the sirens glaring, horns popping, people leaving their homes all at the same times. To get in our packed car, open the gate, then LEAVE. Watching my Bruce Lee at the gate, wondering WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME???? I want to come too. Sorry baby, its too hard, you got to stay. Defend the yard and our worldly prosessions...sorry.
Then we get to the highway and its dead stop traffic!!! Both directions. What are we going to do now??? We manage to finally join all the other Leeward folks and drive an inch at a time if we're lucky.Several accidents too. We got to be careful..dont panic, we'll get out of the coast some how.
I see folks with their things, at the BUS STOP. I see kids with Moms, at the bus stop...we cant possibly pick them up...we are packed. I feel for them.
Sirens blaring, puts things into perspective..this is for real. We got to leave...but we cant...we are bumper to bumper.
Cars start going on the outside of the lanes...on the beach side, driving so fast over the huge pot holes, not thinking they could get a flat, or hit someone going the opposite direction. Folks at gas stations, in LINES. We are ok, we got a full tank earlier.
Ok we finally get we hear sirens, Police, we all pull over for them. Back in line. To wait again. Another siren, an ambulance. We pull over. Here comes another ambulance from Town way..what is happening????
We took over an hour and a half to get to Kapolei...we're ok. THank you!!!!! It normally takes 15 minutes to get here...along all the coast line. We really thought,if that wave hits, we are all dead in our cars. WHose responsible here????? WHo is going to take care of this stupid situation with thousands of folks in danger?????
We order siamin so it makes us legal to hide out at this place. All is good. We listen to the radio intently..More people from the leeward coast are arriving...It is getting crowded here. But we are safe. We play scrabble, pass time. I think of my poor dog...alone. I think of all my other animals..can they survive the Tsunami???
We hear the first waves coming through Big Island, boats are on ground. Oh my god, ITS HERE...the waves are us all.
The waves hit Maui...I forget how big.
Then it is on Oahu....holy crap, here we go. But...we were spared...THIS TIME. WE ARE ALL OK.
We sleep in our cars, listening to the radio. Around 1:30am I think, it was said we can leave go home. BUT...they are not canceling the alert yet. BUT we can go home.
We wait for another 1/2 hour...then we make our journey to our HOME. THere is traffice once again...we slowly make our way back .... then we are see my dog, at the gate, still waiting, wagging that tail so fast. He is happy, so are we.
I am grateful things worked out and my family and animals are OK.
To all the officials...MAKE US A DAM ROAD TO EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY...We need that new road...Please...We have no other escape route, one way in, one way out. There are thousands of people here on the leeward coast...not just a couple of hundred. Think about this...would you want to get caught in all this crap????? I think not...HELP US PEOPLE.
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