That was not to be the last of Irma. Dera called at 1014 (followed milliseconds later by a June call) with the report of an animal just hauling out fronting the Half Point Lifeguard stand at Sandy Beach. When I arrived at 1024 I naturally found the lovely Irma. I cordoned her off, and she has remained, the center of attention, at Sandy Beach. I picked up the rope at dark. Irma remains.
I just looked at Irma's recent SE quadrant episode. Today is 32 consecutive days of Irma ! I have a question about our Miss Irma... since she did not pup this year, is there anyway to determine a possible due date for 2013 pup? I know after the birth one can count back and guess-a-mate a date for the next birth.
While I was doing the Irma cordon at 1030, a beach goer told me that another animal was trying to haul out at the east end of Sandy Beach. June went to investigate, and I got there with the equipment as soon as I could. Alas, we were too late. It was Buster (RV08), and he was faced with 2 bus loads of Chinese tourists who were all over him and the poor guy never had a chance to haul out. They even followed him into the water. As I arrived I saw him swimming in near shore waters heading west. Surprisingly he seemed to be totally unaware of Irma on the beach. June would check in at 1210 to advise that Buster had hauled out at Lanai Lookout to join Kaiwi.
At 0930 I found Aukai (RL12), 40 ft left of 1BS , and Kolohe (RW22) at Seal Rock Inlet, on Rabbit Island. Both would remain all day.
Dera called ast 1014 with a confirmed report of RI37 at Alligator Rock, North Shore.
Karen Turner spent time with R5AY & Pup at Turtle Bay today. She looked for La'akea and Right Spot, but found only old wallows.
Irma - taking her time in the South East Quadrant
Thank you dear Karen - R5AY and Pup update
Kaiwi - poor baby wonder where she lot the tag
Kermit @ White Plains...
Miss MM
In my admittedly limited experience it seems as though females go back to earlier in the season (May..June etc.) after a year off, but as always the true answer is..... Only Irma Knows. DB
Thanks to Miss Laurie Finley for coming out to Plains to keep watch over M and M. And I enjoyed your company and talking story. You are appreciated.
Well, 18 days at Plains, Miss M and M will soon leave the area to find a better spot to take a basking session. She is quite a charming female, pretty face, sweet manners about her.
Kermit WAS also out there but in a separate bedroom near the fence line. And he did visit Miss M and M briefly, before departing per Miss Finley.
If Miss R020 dont leave today, I hope she dont go near the SHOWER area...not a good spot to sleep.
And the kids are out of school for some reason, just when they went BACK...its vacation time. Hmmm.
I wonder why on earth would a monk seal stick themselves in an area so full of people, screaming, running in the zones all the time. M and M USED to be a very shy seal, running off if a human was around her. Or she would scurry quickly away, not the case any more. She is USED to humans now, tolerates all them...just like Kermit, Irma, Benny etc.
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