When I arrived at Sandy Beach at 0600, Kimo advised that Buster (RV08) had been there , but departed. He said he saw the RV08 tag.
At 0702 I found Duke (RA12) just hauling out to the mid Middle Cliff area. He would remain there until 1209 when he entered the water.
At 0755 Gayle and I found an U/U at Spitting Cave, doing 6 minute dives. I had to leave on a call at 0800, but returned and we remained until 1000. Though this must be carried as an U/U, I'm reasonably sure that this was Kekoa. I just can't prove it. This was a small animal, with a brand new coat, 2 red tags, and a remnant transmitter patch on the shoulder hump.
At 0802 Dera called with the report of an animal at the east end of Sandy Beach. When I arrived at 0813 I found , and cordoned off Buster (RV08). He has remained the rest of the day. I returned to Spitting Cave. Duke had been there on my 1734 check, but Gayle called at 1755 to advise that Duke was gone.
I had already accounted for Duke at RI, and on my return to Makai Pier at 1018 I found Kolohe (RW22) on the beach front incline, 20 ft right of 1BS. on RI. Duke would join him at 1213. They remained there together the rest of the day. Ruling out these two guys adds to my certainty of the Kekoa possibility at SC.
Today was my first Irmaless day in 58 consecutive days. Tomorrow......... OIK !
Team Billand called with the report of Pohaku (RO28) at Maili Point at 1200 . She appears to have picked up some urchin spines. Gotta' be a routine part of tide pool life, but the Billands will keep an eye on her.
At 1530 they would advise that RIP (RR70) had just arrived to Pohaku's location.
At 1549 Dana called to advise that Hannah had found RL54 and La'akea (RK82) snoozin' together at "the elbow" Turtle Bay.
Buster by night at Sandys
Duke and Kolohe @ Rabbit Island
Unidentified / Unknown BUT most likely Kekoa
Pohaku RO28 @ Maili Point
Seal acupuncture
Mr. Rip
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