At 1213 new posse person Pomai called to report an animal hauling out to the far east end of Sandy Beach. She was also yesterday's caller. I was in the area so when I arrived at 1215 I found Buster (RV08) just hauling out, amidst adoring hordes, to exactly the location he occupied yesterday. I cordoned him of and he has remained the rest of the afternoon. I picked up the ropes at dark. Both animals remain.
At 0926 I found Duke (RA12) and Kolohe (RW22) on the water front rocks of Rocky Right Beach, Rabbit Island. They would be visible only from the Makapuu Overview.
At 1020 Aukai (RL12) hauled out, 40 ft left of 1BS on RI. She too remained the rest of the day.
Karen Turner did R5AY&Pup duty today, and sent shots. Thank you Karen.
Cianna called with the report of an animal at Sunset Beach, at 1553. Photos provided were inconclusive except to say that it was a female with a new coat. There were no useable markers visible. My dollar is on Right Spot, but !!!!
Irma at Sandy's
Well this is one way to get up close to a monk seal.
Buster at sandy's
Haaa I think Buster enjoy's being shaked and baked
MM out at white plains with all the surfers
Okay... surfers I can deal with that
HAAAAA great shot... all the beach activity and one silly seal sound a sleep.
What the hell... is this white plains fight club. Doesn't look like they were horsing around, it looks more serious
This isn't good... all those balloons, end up in the water... and get eaten.
Starring Chubby
U/F good possibilty it's right spot.
OOPS out of order.... R5AY and Pup
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