There would me many a mile back and forth through the day, but at 1255 the other Irma shoe dropped. A call at 1255 from Ocean Safety, brought news of an animal just hauling out to Sandy Beach. When I arrived at 1302 I found Irma at the east end of Sandys. I cordoned her off, and she has remained the rest of the afternoon. I picked up the rope at dark. Irma remains.
Team Billand checked in at 0720 to report M&M (R020), once again at the showers, for another day in the Zoo that is White Plains. M&M departed of her own volition at 1515.
Zeeny and Kimo were out in the Mokuleia area bright and early and reported R912 at the pupping site, at 0724. They began the search for the kid (RL42). Zeeny also stated that it appeared that R912 was beginning her molt. At 0850 Vera Cober would check in and confirmed all that info. She too advised that R912 was beginning her molt. Vera would call at 0906 to advise that Kimo and Zeeny had located RL42 beyond the KP parking lot, and that she was taking signs to that location. She then returned to R912. Photo confirmation shows that R912 is 1% molted on D#1.
Lesley checked in ate 1147 to report that she was with R5AY & Pup (D#41) at Turtle Bay, and had also found La'akea (RK82) at the elbow. She was continuing the search beyond Kahuku Point.
There was no further word, so I presume around the corner was a bust.
Team Billand called at 1800 to advise that Clay was just roping off Rocky (RH58) at Iroquois Point.
Karen Bryan sent shots of KC (RK28) and RK36 at MCBH for the Yesterday's News department. I heard nothing about any action out that way today.
1 comment:
Yesterday went well. There were a few things that occured while watching Miss M and M, but, we made it ok through the 21st day of her stay at White Plains.
And we had help from Laurie Finley. Thanks Laurie, I know you are a very busy MOM...but your being there with M and M is appreciated.
Then while at home, having dinner, making my report to NOAA, I heard of another dead seal story coming up next on the news. I jumped up from my desk, ran to the TV to watch, WHAT SEAL DIED AND WHY????
The story that ran was a year old seal, got hooked, it wasnt reported, the seal got entangled and died. I hadnt noticed, that the poor seal was the BROTHER OF KP2. Oh my gosh, that is a tragedy!!!
Here is a monk seal mom, who abandoned her first born, it had to be uthenized after starving and was beyond help. THis mom also abandoned her second pup...KP2. But he was luckily saved by man and raised to survive. BUT he couldnt survive any longer on his own, after becoming friendly with people, having cataracts, going blind. He was caught and now resides at the Waikiki Aquarium, for life. And that is great, as he dont got to worry about being killed by a fishing hook...he will have a good life and can live to 30 years old.
Now another pup from this same MOM, is joyfully cared for by this MOM, and lives. But is killed by a fishing hook...how tragic a story.
RK54, KP2's...Brother...dead.
Monk seals live a tragic life...if not hooked, blungeoned to death, shot, hit by vessels, eatten by sharks, chased off beaches, attacked by dogs. How can these Hawaiian Monk Seals live??? How can this species...SURVIVE???
How can we change things, make it better????? I dont know.
I never saw this poor young seal, but, I feel for it. I feel for the Volunteers on Kauai. No words can make it better. I am truly sorry guys. WE all know how hard you all work in educating and looking out for our Monk seals, the same for us Oahua volunteers. God bless you all, I dont know what else to say......
God bless RK54..god bless KP2.
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