At 0905 I found Duke (RA12) snoozin' on the water front rocks, left of Seal Rock Inlet on Rabbit Island. He remained there all day.
Marilyn called at 1347 with the report of Buster (RV08) on the beach at the east end of Sandy Beach. A witness said he hauled out around 1330. I arrived at 1357 and cordoned him off. Marilyn called at 1710 to advise that Buster was gone. Thankfully she picked up the stuff.
Team Billand checked in at 0631 to report M&M (R020) fronting #1760, White Plains. She would depart at 1545.
Dana called at 1448 with the report of an animal at IRQ. Vera was responding. Awaiting further word. I'll go out on a limb and say Rocky was the star at Iroquois.... since Vera's pictures were included.... (just being a smart ass)
Irma @ Kaopa
Irma looking good
Buster at Sandy's
Miss Rocky at Iroquois
MM at white plains
Team Billand doing some educating
MM on the high road
Sisters !
La'akea and RL54
too cute
Just a quick note about the last couple of days posting.... I know the comments section seems to be erratic, but what happens is; when my eyes begin to roll back, rather than trying to finish, I am just saving and posting.... so please understand it has nothing to do with the photos, or subject matter, it's just exhaustion on my part.
HAVING said that.... so what is the deal with the 3 tags on RL54 55 - 57... and what happened to number 56?
The second right tag was issued due to the low web location of the first (L55). We figured it better to put a second tag in the right flipper now, than have to catch the seal again in less than a year to re-tag. Seems to make sense, yes? L57 was used to stay consistent with right tags being odd.
The information was sent with the report & photos. Sorry it didn't make it to the blog
Aloha, Lesley
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