At 0647,on my first look at Rabbit Island , I found an U/U just moving down from behind the dune, and Morning Glory, left of 1BS. I could not get an ID before it entered the water. I saw a new coat , and 2 red tags. Based on the starting point, I'd have to guess Nani, but Duke can not be ruled out. I did not see a right side bleach mark, so I ruled out Kolohe. The bottom line is U/U .
When I got back to Makai Pier for R#2 I found Kaiwi (RK96) at Rocky Right Beach.
On pan at 0828 I found Buster (RV08) 100 ft right of Kaiwi's location , at Seal Rock Inlet. At 0948 Buster began his galumph toward Kaiwi, and at 1000 he made contact. There was but minimal interaction, before both settled down to snooze mode. They remained there all day.
I departed the pier at 1020 on the Irma Quest, and sure enough I found Irma (R010) right off the bat, snoozin' at the far right end of Makapuu Beach. I had received no calls or reports and just simply lucked out finding her. I cordoned her off, and she has remained the rest of the day. Irma departed at 1845. I picked up the stuff and called it a day.
Team Billand checked in at 1418 with the report of M&M (R020) at Maili Point. It's great to see her some place other than White Plains.
Kaiwi & Buster
Irma @ Makapuu
MM @ Maili
Lots of tangles netting looking like halloween webbing
Great shot! good night
That is a small eye net, illegal, and NOT Halloween net. It was just five feet from Miss M and M, a sickening site for me. I hate nets..they kill sea life all the time.
So glad M and M moved from Plains after over 30 something days there. She is putting on weight, looking good. Very pretty seal, with a neat personality.
And the shot of the sun RISING was taken at Plains..it was a beautiful sun rise with a surfer I couldnt refuse taking a photo. Every time there is a vog situation, the sunrise and sunsets are magnificent.
We cant find Mr Kermit any where. He aint on Oahu, hope he is at a spot on another island and is ok. Kermit is a seal that has hauled out at Plains for years AFTER his EPIC JOURNEY. So we are a little concerned, where he is. Any body see him???? If so, please let us know so we can feel....relief.
Havent been able to find 2AW either. He is due here any time now, to molt. Well, thats what his routine is...so we'll see.
And I want to comment on the Monk Seal and Cetacean Meeting at Pacific Beach Hotel on Monday and Tuesday.
Rob and I love this meeting, as there are are the big guys here, telling their experiences and finds with our monks and whales.
I find it extremely exciting to hear each and every speech.
I was freaked out with the findings of a rare whale that stranded with Morbillivirus. I hope that never happens with our seals.
Charles Littnan's report on Critter Cams was thrilling to watch, even if the seal never took a bite out of the large schools of fish he encountered. What a neat view....from a seals perspective.
And Most of all, meeting Terri Williams in person again, the high light of my day. And she signed both of my books, plus we had a nice talk about KP2, awesome. She is a cool lady..so smart, so pretty. THanks Terrie Williams.
And then, we got to meet Mary Frances Miyashiro of Kauai. God she is the most sweet thing on earth. And she is like Rob and I, very passionate of her work with Monk Seals on Kauai. I just love her and her husband who wasnt present, as he was home on Kauai, taking care of monk seals. How dedicated is that??? Hugs to you Lloyd and Mary Frances.
And big hugs to all on Kauai and Molokai again, for the tragic losses of monk seals recently. Prayers to you all.
The luncheon was so good, I pigged out...mmmmm.
Always nice meeting all the monk seal volunteers who put in so much time taking care of monks. I always say, Monk Seal people are awesome souls. Very caring.
Listening to Justin of Big Islands Makaiwa...priceless. I am glad Justin is caring for her haul outs. Makaiwa was with us when she was nothing but a small, green, skinny female at Hau BUsh. We watched her grow up on Oahu...then run off to Big Island. I know she is ok with Justin. THANKS.
Then the DNLR guys Take and Brandon shared their report on the killing of a female monk seal on Kauai...Investigation was shared and we were all ears. Still that Mr. Vindha got away with MURDER...but at least he was caught, put in jail for 90 days..THE FINE...$25?????? Incredible. that haunts me...$25????
To Donna Festa who was boardered off, thanks for your fast speech as well. Poor ting....ran out of minutes. She didnt get to finish.
It was an honor sitting there, listening to all. You are all appreciated...honest.
I do hope next session will be on KAUI...looking forward to it. Flippers crossed.
And I still wish, with my soul...that DB and Marylin was present...they so deserve to be there as well. you were missed.
OOps, I spelled Kauai Wrong..sorry.
Makaiwa to us...is Makaiwi...
And I also forgot to mention...I loved seeing and talking with Diane from Molokai...you know how we feel about you and the Molokai volunteers. It was an honor to sit next to you having lunch and talking seals. you are a pretty, lovely soul, with such compassion for the seals you encounter on your treks. Wish I was younger to take another hike with ya out to La Au pt...that is quite a journey. You mentioned, you wish you could spend more time with each seal...Oh Diane, you do so much already...its ok. The trek is way too long, so you are not able to spend time with each seal as you would like. Other wise, you wont make it back before sunset...too dangerous. Too bad there isnt a shorter route for you...
WE done ONE TREK with you, back in 2009, in hopes of finding KP2. WE never found him that day...but after we left, YOU AND VAL got to meet and care for him. TO YOU and Val, all the other volunteers on MOLOKAI..GOD BLESS you. THanks for doing a tremendous job. That La au trek is a killer, we know.
And again, sorry to you folks on Molokai for your tragic losses as well.
Thank you Barb! I agree these meetings are so informative, I wish it was something we could do on a grander scale.
As far as my presentation, I am glad I acknowledged the important folks at the beginning... as for the rest being borderline humiliated... I will keep my comments to myself.
Hey BLog Lady D, Dont you feel humilated, NOT ONE BIT. You did a great job on your speech, we were all ears. Hang your head high, you were great!!! And by the way, you made Rob and I so proud with what you said in front of every one. But I still wish, with my soul, DB and Marylin were present. I know they would have enjoyed this meeting. They are the soul of Volunteerism...dont ya think????
Hugs to ya Miss Festa..and you work too hard. Take a breath...relax...Life is tooooo short...Love ya kid. B
Well said Barb! I'm sorry we didn't get to see your entire presentation, Donna, just because other people went over. It was rude to not allow you finish. Diane5
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