These four dynamos removed the following;
617.4 pounds of rope and net
212.17 pounds of other plastic marine debris
7.1 pounds of glass
Total marine debris removed from the beach on Tuesday = 836.67 pounds
If you are interested in participating in helping out in future beach clean-ups you can contact Suzanne Frazer, Beach Environmental Awareness Campaign Hawaii B.E.A.C.H., by checking out their website www.b-e-a-c-h.org
Dean from B.E.A.C.H
Dean and Todd Jeff
Dean, Jeff and Lesley from HMSRTO
Loading the rope onto the Matson container
Todd's team
Now this is team work - two organizations taking care of our oceans
Hawaiian Moors
Special Thank you to Matson for helping out!
It was another rewarding experience.
Correction to the who's who on the photos:
Jeff Wallace is in the yellow rash guard, hat and sunglasses. Great pal to work with !!
Todd is in the heavy yellow rain coat and brought the 2 little helpers.
Oops... I will fix it
Were there any seals out there? No Ua Malie? It looked cold and wet and windy? Great job to all that volunteered!!
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