M&M @ White Plains...
Always alert

Surprised she decided to haul and hang out around a large crowd
Okay... she looks like she is laughing...
Looking very coy
Kermit @ Tracks
Kermit looking very green
A gathering place for Hawaiian Monk Seal Supporters & Professionals to talk story. Report all Sightings to 808-220-7802 or email PIFSC.monksealsighting@noaa.gov
If you would like to know more about PEIS for Hawaiian monk seal recovery actions... Please check out the following link:
1 comment:
I was shocked to find Mr Kermit at Tracks, he dont go there that often. He was nice and tucked into the rocks, just snoozing his heart away.
M and M??? My goodness, this seal chose the right day to haul out at Plains...A gazillion people, but, I got to say, all were so respectful out there. Appreciate this RESPECT from the humans, made it a pleasure to be there, guarding M and M. She was very alert, very aware the folks were around the perimeter, but, the bottom line..she stayed any ways.
We were talking and answering trillions of questions...it was non stop SEAL 101. Every now and then a wave would gently touch M and M and she would go nuts, popping in the air, snorting and stuff. Then after she felt it was safe, it was back to snoozing, with one eye opened, checking the area.
One football got tossed into the perimeter, we spoke to the guys with the ball, I retrieved the ball, nice and slow, all was fine.
Lifeguards did a great job in putting up the ropes and poles as we were with Kermit, then on our way back when the frantic call came in. We just adusted the perimeter a bit larger as M and M decided to move all the way RIGHT!!! She is one gorgeous seal to look at, sweet, and at times comical with her looks. Some times she reminds me of IRMA...sweet and pretty.
And Miss M and M stayed till after sunset and beyond.
Thanks to Clay Gates who we called out as there was a seal at the Gun Range at Ewa Beach. But we didnt want to leave M and M unattended, so Clay went out for us. Unfortunately the seal left the area before Clay could make an ID. Thanks Clay...some times, the seals just leave and that SUCKS. Maybe today????
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