Things took a decided turn for the better with a call from posse member Susan at 0942, reporting 3 animals at Spitting Cave, one with a transmitter. I immediately called Gayle who was on the 0800 shift, and as is usually the case, she was already there. When I arrived I found Kaiwi (RK96), Buster (RV08) and Kolohe (RW22). Initially, Kaiwi and Buster were playing with Kolohe off to the side, but later, Buster would tire of play, and moved off to forage, and Kolohe moved in to begin play activity with Kaiwi.

At 0910 Team Billand reported Kermit (R4DG) fronting #1705, Nimitz Cottages.
Dana called at 0940 to advise of an U/U in Kahuku. At 1025 she advised that R5AY had been identified by tags. She would depart at 1140.

An anonymus posse member called at 1146 to report Right Spot (R016) at Right Spot's Spot, Turtle Bay. Same Anon called at 1339 to report Ua Malie (RT10) at High Rock, Kahuku. anonyomous is part of the "ppp" posse protection program LOL..... not sure why we have an anon calling in, but in the end as long as someone is reporting the seals, that's what is most important.... don't be so shy anon. :-)
At 1615 posse member Toni Russ called to report Rocky (RH58) in Ewa Beach. Team Billand reported Ewa Girl (RS00) at Kalaeloa Campgrounds at 1630.
Here's a series of photos of Kaiwi and Kolohe playing at spitting cave ... priceless
soooo sweet
This is great shot of Buster and Kaiwi... the little one riding the wave
Who dat? N19 Ms. Kaiwi!!!!
Irma @ Iroquois from posse member Clay
Rocky RH58 @ Ewa Beach
Rocky you're far away from Diamond Head
Where is Nani hanging out?
Boy..... I wish I knew the answer to THAT question. We last spent quality time together on 11-20-11, at RI, and I haven't heard from her since. She has established a history of being gone for lengthy periods, but then showing up again at RI. As a typical parent I stress everyday that I don't see her. I remain positive. DB
I want to be a seal and frolick in the blue waters!
Nani is with Max:)
Some one told me today, I want to be a SEAL. All they do is sleep all day and then eat.
Trust me, you dont want to be a seal. They live a very stressful life. Running from dogs, humans. THey been shot at, get caught in nets, get hooked. Been eatten by tiger sharks, stuck in debri, just a tuff life, really.
So we all try to give them the best rest they can get on a beach when we locate them.
Wishing NANI shows up soon DB. Seals have a thing about traveling about, then showing up when ya least expect it. She is exploring...she'll be back. Maybe she will show up on R.I. with Kaiwi soon, maybe, KEKOA ALII. Whoa, that would be awesome to see.
Maybe one day when she decides to return home at Rabbit island someone could stick a transmitter on her so we could monitor her travels. Just saying....thank you!
Has anyone seen La'akea? Where is her transmitter? Do you have a North shore Blog? Seems like all we see is south shore action.
La'akea has been sited, along with 5ay, right spot and ua maile... This blog includes any seal sightings from any where as long as someone sends in the information.
Often times there is a report of seals on the north shore, but there aren't any pictures.
As the keeper of the blog, I am happy to post what ever is submitted.
Also La'akea doesn't have a transmitter... there is a transmitter put on RK96 Kaiwi, and RK72 Kekoa....
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