At 0710 I found Kolohe (RW22)
just hauling out 40 ft left of 1BS on Rabbit Island. He would move up and into
the Morning Glory , looking for his pals, but at that point he had the place all
to himself. When I got back to Makai Pier at 1052 I found that Kolohe had
relocated to the water front rocks, 40 ft left of Seal Rock Inlet. In his old
spot, left of 1BS, I now found Buster (RV08). It took him a while to move down
into view, but at 1200 I could see that his molt is progressing. My
guesstimation is 3% on D#3.
At 1134 RM38 hauled out of
Seal Rock Inlet and galumphed over to join Kolohe briefly. He would return to
the rocks near SRI, and Kolohe followed. They would remain there, together the
rest of the day.
There were lots of miles, and
lots of hours on the Kaiwi Kuest today. Mrs. Whisperer called at 1452 to advise
that Kaiwi was at Spitting Cave. She was doing 10 minute dives on the cave side
of the point.
Team Billand called at 0723
advising that Pohaku (RO28) was at Tracks.
At 0743 they found Kermit
(R012) fronting #1707 at White Plains.
Dana called at 0803 to advise
of an animal near Lifeguard tower 2E in Waikiki. Thankfully, posse member
Colleen Heyer was on it and at 0845 confirmed the Irma (R010) ID.
At 0837 Dana called with the
report of an animal in Hauula. She called again at 0929 to advise that the RI37
had been confirmed
Kolohe and M38
Buster Day 2 molt
Kaiwi @ Spitting Cave
Kermit back at White plains
Kermit sleep walking or um galumphing
Ball is just outside the zone... in this case is a very good thing
RO28 @ Tracks
1 comment:
We were watching Kermit, all was good, until the soccer game began near by. We knew what was going to happen next..and sure enough, the soccer ball went flying into the zone, near Kermit, who was sleeping. The guy jumped the ropes to retrieve the ball immediately..we tried to tell him, to stay out of the zone and not play near the seal..PLEASE.
Cant wait to see what goes on today...POOR KERMIT. And I think he may be going into his molt process, any day now. He may have over nighted last night, as he turned and came up closer to the cabins.
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