Once again this morning the first pass through the quadrant was a zero. At 0814 posse member Kathy called reporting Kaiwi (RK96) at Spitting Cave. Through the morning Gayle, Terry and myself joined Kathy. Kaiwi had the place all to herself today. This was her 3rd consecutive day foraging there. I departed around 1100, and Terry advised later that Kaiwi was still there when she departed at 1200. When I spoke with Gayle at 1400 she advised that Kaiwi was no longer there.

All of that is significant because at 1529 Dera called with the report of an animal at Crappy Cove, Sandy Beach. When I arrived at 1540 I found Kaiwi on the water front rocks. I spoke with the local couple that had called her in, via 911, and learned that Kaiwi had hauled out and proceeded to her favorite Naupaka bush. Though the callers hearts were pure golden, they then proceed to attempt to pour water on her. Wrong !!!!! Kaiwi obviously freaked and moved out onto the rocks. As I said the people were very nice and felt bad that they had scared her. After a bit of Monk Seal 101, they saw the error of their ways. Kaiwi was still there when I departed at dark. As a side note, da' duck also made an appearance at the Crappy Cove this evening.

At 1217 I found Kolohe (RW22) at Rabbit Island. He would have the place to himself today.
At 0618 Team Billand found Kermit (R4DG) fronting #1708, and Irma (R010) near the east end fence line, at White Plains. Irma would depart at 1800, and Kermie at 1810.
I can't recall if it was Dera or Dana, but somebody reported R5AY in Hauula. Volunteer Candy Green got the ID, by tags.

At 1035 La'akea (RK82) was reported at Right Spot's Spot, Turtle Bay.
For the folks who asked about La'akea, you'll note she is often mentioned from calls of her being sited, however it's up to folks to send in the photos...
Dera called at 1215 with the report of an animal at Kiaka Beach, Haleiwa. Todd White was on it, and confirmed the RI37 ID at 1221.
Same here... we have a response to RI37 but no photos.
Team Billand checked in at 1426 with the report of Benny (RE74) at Maili Point.
At 1459 they found Pohaku (RO28) at Tracks.
They weren't done yet... At 1624 they reported R2AW at Nanakuli, annnnnnd at 1719 they found Rocky (RH58) near Access 185C in Ewa Beach. Rocky apparently had too many people walking by, and one nut case woman who would not heed the signs, and thought Rocky needed a blanket to stay warm.
N19 Kaiwi swimming at Spitting Cave
Safely up on the rocks, escaping a unwanted shower.
Soooo sweet
DA Duck.... wonder if he's missing his duck buddies?
Kolohe at Rabbit Island
Miss Irma at White Plains
Mr. Kermit @ White Plains
RO28 @ Tracks
Benny @ Maili
2AW @ Nanakuli
Rocky @ Ewa Beach with Blanket Lady
Da duck is a merganser! That's pretty cool - I haven't seen one in Hawaii before. Of course, I haven't tried very hard to find one. :)
If you want to see pictures of RI37 at (spelling correction) KAIAKA BAY for 7DEC2011 go to www.northshoremonks.blogspot.com
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