I got a late email from Kelly Girl who covered quite a bit of territory today. She was lucky to find 3 out of the four regular girls. Thank you Kelly Girl for taking the time and sending in an update on the Turtle Bay Gals.
On my way to Turtle Bay I checked Pahipahialua Beach Park for seals but no seals. I then headed to Turtle Bay and arrived around 1230 and found R5AY and Right Spot at Right Spot's spot with quite a few feet of distance between them. I signed them both off seperately and educated quite a few tourists. Tourist traffic slowed down some with the very windy conditions and overcast rainey weather so I headed out to High Rock and found Ua Malie on her princess thrown. I was hoping to find La'kea out there but no luck.
I then headed back to Turtle Bay to look for La'akea. I looked high and low and out to Kahuku Point but no sighting was found. I stayed at Turtle bay until 1630. Both R5AY and Right Spot were still on the beach resting peacefully.
5AY still looking a little flat, but certainly is gaining back some of her weight
Right Spot showing some belly
Ua Maile at her hideaway
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