At 0605 I found Kaiwi (RK96) , or rather Kaiwi's butt sticking out of the Naupaka at the east end of Crappy Cove, Sandy Beach. At 1120 she would move to the water front rocks to stay cool in the tide pools, and remained there all day. She was still there when I departed at dark. Mahalos to Kathy, new guy Joe, and most of all the unstoppable Gayle for a long day's work.

There was finally a Rabbit Island cast, for the first time in a while. At 1008 I found Kolohe (RW22) at the left end of the beach. At 1011 I found what I believe to be RIP at the right end of the beach, but I'll stick with an U/M designation until I have a better look. It was definitely an adult male, with a brand new coat, freshly molted, and 1 right hind flipper tag. Hopefully , tomorrow I'll be able to firm up that ID. On a pan at 1150 I found Nani (RK60) on the water front rocks 30 ft left of 3BS.
YEEEEAAAHHH Nani is home.

Dera called at 0823 with an HPD report of an animal swimming just off shore of lifeguard tower 2F in Waikiki. At 0836 Susan Renick called me to advise that an animal had hauled out at that location. I notified Dera. Colleen took the lead on the response and initially thought it was Rocky, however, as more markers became visible it became apparent that it was Irma (R010). She has remained all day, and I have no word on her status as of this evening's writing.
Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) fronting #1708, White Plains.
At 1506 they found 2AW at Tracks.
N19/RK96 Kaiwi hiding at Crappy Cove
Kaiwi relaxing on the rocks at Crappy Cove
Kolohe @ Rabbit Island
Unknown/Male "U/M" probably RIP
Irma R010 @ Waikiki - Although on KHON she was incognito as "Rocky"
Kermit @ White Plains
We love our Kermie
Like Brando calling for Stella.... he calls for IRRRRRRMMMMMAAAAAAAA
oh darn it ... i was dreaming
2AW at Tracks
okay so Kermit isn't the only one left to molt.
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