At 0920 I got to Makai Pier to check out the Rabbit
Island cast. I found Kolohe (RW22) and Buster (RV08) initially, but at 1043 I
became aware that there was a 3rd animal hiding in the Morning Glory. It would
prove to be RM38. All would move down to cool off, and remained the rest of the

Team Billand checked in at 1315 with the report of
Kermit (R012) at Tracks.
At 1432 they reported M&M (R020) fronting #1708 at
White Plains.
Barbara called at 1555 to report a call from Dana about
an animal at the Shooting Range at Ewa Beach. Posse member Clay Gates responded
but there was nobody there when he arrived.
Team Billand advised that they got a call about an
animal at IRQ. Posse member Clay Gates responded, but alas, one again nobody
was there.
Buster RV08, Kolohe RW22, RM38
U/U @ Kokee Beach... Probably Kaiwi - What a Great Shot!
Kaiwi RK96 @ Crappy Cove
I can Fly! ... maybe not
Okay then I'm heading for bed
I'll just freshen up before I snooze
ahhh relaxed at last
Ok, not up on my marine debris or critters, what in the heck is that thing in Kaiwi's mouth?
I ask the same thing. Is that Kaiwi's body or the critter's body. If it's the critter's body is that eel or whatever it is 4-6ft long? Amazing shot!
Looks like it could be a Many Banded Moray. Check this link to look at all of the eels Hawaii has:
I think it's a ribbon from her holiday gift...
Kaiwi is enjoying a zebra moray and what a fantastic picture!!! (poor moray!)
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