At 0716 on a pan I found Sadie (RB12) up in the Morning
Glory, 40 ft left of 1BS. She would be joined at 0939 by Kolohe (RW22). They
snoozed in the Morning Glory a while, before they too move down near the water
line to cool off. The whole RI cast would remain all day.

At 1029 posse member Terry called to advise that Kaiwi
(RK96) was fronting the cave at Spitting Cave. Marilyn responded in my stead,
and she too confirmed the Kaiwi.

Team Billand went nuts in the SW quadrant today. They
began with the report of M&M (R020), at Kalaeloa Campgrounds at 1012.
At 1401 they reported Benny (RE74) at Maili
Point. At 1429 came the report of Pohaku (RO28) at
Tracks. Lastly, a 1443 the found 2AW at Electric Beach.
Ocean Safety called at 1330 advising of an animal at 3
Tables on the North Shore (next to Shark's Cove). I notified Dana. She called
at 1433 to advise that volunteer Todd, confirmed RI37.
Irma @ Cockroach Cove at Kaupo Beach Park
Irma likes being close to papa's backyard
soo Irma's 1st encounter
thinking she sneaking on by and no one watching
Irma's second encounter and this looks like she going to run right over her
ALSO note there is a SPZ set up.... Thank you DOCARE, Officer Ken
Kolohe and Sadie
Sadie back home... she has to be close to 4 years old.... pretty soon she be ready to be a mama.
Kolohe and Sadie
And here he is Kermit visiting auntie colleen at diamond head
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