At 0617 I found M&M (R020) and Pup on D#37, snoozin' at the left end of the Middle Cliff. I would observe 3 swims and 3 feeds, all of which took place in the 2BS to Middle Cliff area. The bulk of the on shore time was spent behind water front rocks, so even though the kid's belly is now white, I could not get a quality look at the belly. Hopefully, tomorrow !
Also at 0617 I found what would prove to be Duke (RA12) on the water front rocks, 40 ft left of Seal Rock Inlet. He would remain there all day. On a pan at 0850 I found Sadie (RB12) just starting to move into view up in the Morning Glory, 40 ft left of 1BS. She would depart at 1006.

At 0924 Buster (RV08) first appeared. He did a brief haul out to join Sadie, and after a short stay returned to the water, only to haul out later with Duke . Again , it was only a short stay. He was in full "cruiser mode" and kept patrolling back and forth. Mom alerted on him a couple of times as he passed by , but there was never any problem. The last time I saw him was at 1132 when again, he did a brief haul out to what had become Duke and Kolohe (RW22) left of SRI. He once again returned to the water. As mentioned above, Kolohe (RW22) hauled out to join Duke at 1116. They would remain together the rest of the day.
Surfer posse member Dave Martin, called at 0826 to advise that he'd seen "N3" near the showers at Diamond Head. Colleen would later confirm the Irma (R010) ID. Irma was gone on Colleen's 1230 check.
Welcome home Colleen.... Rocky stopped by the other day... so don't put that equipment away just yet.

Team Billand spent a portion of the day with Ewa Girl and Pup on the Reef Runway. Both are apparently happy and well. Barbara called at 1204 to excitedly advise that another animal was just off shore and ready to haul out. She called again at 1242 to advise that the new arrival had words with Ewa Girl, but had in fact hauled out to that location. It was RIP (RR70) !! It appears that he is in Mom mode, having just left M&M and her pup yesterday. He was still there when they had to depart. Hopefully, Barbara will have more comments.

Team Billand reported Makaiwi (R4DF) at Campbell Industrial Park, at 1430. One of their homeless posse stated that Max had been there earlier, but they did not see him.
Dera called at 1803 with the report of an animal off shore of lifeguard stand 2F in Waikiki. At 1830 she reported that the animal had hauled out and that Dana was there. Dana called at 1840 to say that it was Irma (R010), and that she had put up signs. She, and I think someone else, are remaining till dark and will reassess the situation.
Buster Duke and Kolohe
MM and pup
Irma - BIG Momma
the infamous N3
and our pin-up girl Maka'iwi
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