On D#9 I found M&M (R020) and Pup , at 0639, high on the beach above Seal Rock Inlet, on Rabbit Island. They would move down and spend the day at the water line at SRI. Mostly it was snooze time, but after and afternoon feed the kid got active and started the shore break adventure while Mom watched. As the afternoon high tide began to show it's affects, M&;M was trying to get the kid to move up with her, but the little thing, kept scooting back to the water everytime she turned her back. She finally got the kid to move up at 1400.

On a pan at 1402 I found that Kolohe (RW22) had joined the cast, hauling out 60 ft left of Mom and the kid. He never approached.All were snoozin' when I departed at 1600. On my 0712 Spitting Cave check I found Buster (RV08) still there for the 3rd consecutive day, doing 13 minute dives.

Dana checked in at 1355 with a report from Jeannie Martinson about Right Spot (R016) at Gas Chambers , on the North Shore. Dana forwarded a shot from Courtney Pascua, confirming the Right Spot ID. Dera forwarded additional photos from Kelly Lowe, also confirming the Right Spot ID.
Buster @ Spitting Cave
M+M and pup day 9
Right Spot @ gas chamber
Irma @ Nimitz (she may not be due to pop for a while but she sure iz big)
Maka'iwi bathing beauty @ Nimitz
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