When I finally got to Makai Pier at 0920, found M&M (R020) and pup (D#36) amongst the rocks at Left Middle Cliff. They would remain in that area all day. I observed 3 swims and 4 feeds. The belly has lightened up but I still can't commit to a sex yet.
Team Billand called at 1125 to advise that their posse member, Joannie Stear, and mob had cordoned off Makaiwi (R4DF) fronting lifeguard tower #1 at White Plains. Makaiwi would depart at 1500.
Team Billand called at 1420 with an account reported to them by a posse member about a family at Kalaeloa Campgrounds interacting with Max (R5EW). They are said to have tried to pick him up, and their dog was nipping at him. Max escaped to the water. Apparently, cops and lifeguard responded but couldn't locate the family. Hopefully, Barbara can comment further on the incident. oh no they didn't... what is wrong with people... good that Max got away... maybe he'll find a new spot to haul up in.... pssst Max come to Kailua, Aunty Sharon has a nice big back yard and lots of help.
Dera called at 1125 with the report of an U/U at Rocky Point. At 1549 she called to confirm that Jeannie Martinson had seen Right Spot's "N6" bleach. Dera also advised that "N29", RI37 was reported at Sunset Beach yesterday. This was the first I'd heard of that haul out.
A Happy 1st Birthday to Ua Malie (RT10)!!
Buster at Blow hole
MM and Pup
growing up fast
Kolohe and Duke
Sadie little lady
Happy Birthday Ua
Happy Happy Birthday sweet girl. Your Aunties and Uncles that watched over you for six months send their Alohas. What a part of our lives you are. We love your feisty nature and non-human ways. Stay wild child and know we think of you and watch over you.
Max was a sleep. Two people went to him and tried to pull on his flippers, pulling his tail. Their dog ran over to help. The dog tried to bite Max on his head, Max had to fight back, going back and forth to man, to the barking dog, back to man etc. After 10 minutes, Max took off. A man off shore witnessed the whole incident, tried to come to a shore yelling at the people to leave Max alone. But the people kept at it and so did their dog. The man finally made it to shore yelling at the guys who replied, OH WE JUST WANTED TO MAKE THE SEAL GO IN THE WATER. The surfer tried to explain how wrong a thing these people did. The surfer drove to plains, looking for us, he knows we were out on the beach some where. He then went to the lifeguards for help. The lifeguard took off to find the people, seal was gone. He talked to them and they werent too nice about it. We came, notified cops, they looked for the family, they took off. We kept searching for Max but we never found him any where. Rob and I are so upset about this incident. The surfer was awesome trying to help out Max and we hugged him for his efforts and for calling us and the lifeguards. I hope Max, this sweet little green seal NEVER RETURNS TO KALAELOA where there are idiots who dont understand anything about the seals that haul up there. We try so hard to educate all we see or come in contact with seals...some times we dont reach certain people out there. They think the seals arent important, and they think they are soooo funny pulling at their tails...how barbaric these folks are!!! Bastards!!! Sorry, this really pisses us off. I wish the cops could find them and give em hell. This can not and should not happen to any seal....PERIOD!!!
Barb... Thanks for the info...and how awful for little Max. AND YES this truely truely s*cks.. However I do want to point something out, first the surfer dude who knew what was happening was wrong and he did something about it... then the lifeguard making the effort to deal with these people and finally after all that the cops coming down to respond. Although none of these things changed what these people did, the change comes in the community people who are out there doing something for the Max. You and Rob HAVE made a difference, you reached these people not just in awareness but enough they were willing to step up.
Little Max had a lesson in stupid a** humans yesterday... but he also has some people out there willing to step up for him too.
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